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TYPEWRITER: The History, the Machines, the Writers Tony Allan Hardbound 7807724 $6.95
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THE LIBRARY: A Fragile History A. Pettegree & A. der Weduwen Hardbound 7894112 $14.95
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THE ESSENTIAL TYPE DIRECTORY: A Sourcebook of over 1,800 Typefaces and Their Histories Peter Dawson Hardbound 7966628 $21.95
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THE DICTIONARY PEOPLE: The Unsung Heroes Who Created the Oxford English Dictionary Sarah Ogilvie Hardbound 794313X $21.95
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PORTABLE MAGIC: A History of Books and Their Readers Emma Smith Hardbound 7754671 $17.95
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HOW WORDS GET GOOD: The Story of Making a Book Rebecca Lee Paperbound 7950187 $12.95
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HATEMAIL: Anti-Semitism on Picture Postcards Salo Aizenberg Paperbound 7773013 $9.95
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AMERICAN IRON HAND PRESSES Stephen O. Saxe, illus. by J. DePol Paperbound 7831714 $3.95
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ALL THE KNOWLEDGE IN THE WORLD: The Extraordinary History of the Encyclopedia Simon Garfield Hardbound 7881363 $6.95
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LOOK: How a Highly Influential Magazine Helped Define Mid-Twentieth-Century America Andrew L. Yarrow Hardbound 7741316 $29.95
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