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MUSSOLINI'S DAUGHTER: The Most Dangerous Woman in Europe Caroline Moorehead Hardbound 7883226 $7.95
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EXTREME NORTH: A Cultural History Bernd Brunner Hardbound 7908695 $7.95
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THE HERO'S WAY: Walking with Garibaldi from Rome to Ravenna Tim Parks Hardbound 7908741 $7.95
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A PEOPLE BETRAYED: A History of Corruption, Political Incompetence and Social Division in Modern Spain Paul Preston Hardbound 7908814 $7.95
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THE GREEK HISTORIES: The Sweeping History of Ancient Greece as Told by Its First Chroniclers Edited by M. Lefkowitz & J. Romm Hardbound 7928920 $7.95
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CITY OF THE SOUL: Rome and the Romantics John A. Pinto Hardbound 7980051 $7.95
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ARTISANAL ENLIGHTENMENT: Science and the Mechanical Arts in Old Regime France Paola Bertucci Hardbound 7992211 $7.95
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FRANCE: An Adventure History Graham Robb Hardbound 8007810 $7.95
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THE CELTS: Search for a Civilization Alice Roberts Paperbound 4680359 $6.95
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MEET THE GEORGIANS: Epic Tales from Britain's Wildest Century Robert Peal Hardbound 4998634 $6.95
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THE FALL OF THE DYNASTIES: The Collapse of the Old Order, 1905-1922 Edmond Taylor Paperbound 5813573 $6.95
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WATERLOO 1815: Voices from the Past John Grehan Paperbound 6079652 $6.95
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THE BALKANS: From the End of Byzantium to the Present Day Mark Mazower Paperbound 7831765 $6.95
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THE WANING OF EMANCIPATION: Jewish History, Memory, and the Rise of Fascism in Germany, France, and Hungary Guy Miron Hardbound 7898649 $6.95
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BLOOD, FIRE & GOLD: The Story of Elizabeth I & Catherine de Medici Estelle Paranque Hardbound 7914822 $6.95
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THE VIKING HEART: How Scandinavians Conquered the World Arthur Herman Paperbound 7941196 $6.95
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THE WANTON JESUIT AND THE WAYWARD SAINT: A Tale of Sex, Religion, and Politics in Eighteenth-Century France Mita Choudhury Hardbound 7942648 $6.95
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RESPLENDENT ADVENTURES WITH BRITANNIA: Personalities, Politics and Culture in Britain Edited by William Roger Louis Hardbound 7963173 $6.95
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THE FRENCH ART OF LIVING WELL: Finding Joie de Vivre in the Everyday World Cathy Yandell Hardbound 797163X $6.95
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HITLER'S SAVAGE CANARY: A History of the Danish Resistance in World War II David Lampe Paperbound 7980132 $6.95
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THE END OF THE FRENCH INTELLECTUAL Shlomo Sand Hardbound 7992289 $6.95
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BERLIN NOW: The City After the Wall Peter Schneider Paperbound 7998880 $6.95
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NIMES AT WAR: Religion, Politics, and Public Opinion in the Gard, 1938-1944 Robert Zaretsky Paperbound 8042713 $6.95
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THE GREATER JOURNEY: Americans in Paris David McCullough Paperbound 1041746 $5.95
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LOST DUNDEE: Dundee's Lost Architectural Heritage Charles McKean et al Paperbound 2906414 $5.95
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GHOSTS OF THE BELLE EPOQUE: The History of the Grand Hotel et des Palmes, Palermo Andrew & Suzanne Edwards Hardbound 7684851 $5.95
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THE SHORTEST HISTORY OF GREECE: The Odyssey of a Nation from Myth to Modernity James Heneage Paperbound 7966180 $5.95
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ZE FRENCH DO IT BETTER: A Lifestyle Guide F. Veysset & V. de Saint-Pierre Paperbound 7967004 $5.95
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THE LAST MUSLIM CONQUEST: The Ottoman Empire and Its Wars in Europe Gabor Agoston Hardbound 8063184 $5.95
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ROBESPIERRE: The Man Who Divides Us the Most Marcel Gauchet Hardbound 8063214 $5.95
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CAPTAIN BLIGH'S PORTABLE NIGHTMARE: From the Bounty to Safety--4,162 Miles Across the Pacific in a Rowing Boat John Toohey Paperbound 7698941 $4.95
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NO PASARAN! Writings from the Spanish Civil War Edited by Pete Ayrton Hardbound 779780X $4.95
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