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UNSOLVED MYSTERIES OF WORLD WAR II Michael Fitzgerald 1043692 $4.95
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PANIC ON THE PACIFIC: How America Prepared for a West Coast Invasion Bill Yenne 1162357 $6.95
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BATTLE HARDENED: An Infantry Officer's Harrowing Journey from D-Day to VE Day Craig S. Chapman 1206990 $6.95
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THE DEATH OF HITLER'S WAR MACHINE: The Final Destruction of the Wehrmacht Samuel W. Mitcham Jr 1207180 $4.95
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WAR STORIES II: Heroism in the Pacific Oliver North with J. Musser 1177842 $4.95
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THE SURVIVOR: How I Survived Six Concentration Camps and Became a Nazi Hunter Josef Lewkowicz with M. Calvin 1162829 $6.95
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NOT I: Memoirs of a German Childhood Joachim Fest 699766X $6.95
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SPEARHEAD: An American Tank Gunner, His Enemy, and a Collision of Lives in World War II Adam Makos 6075045 $6.95
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SECRET WARTIME BRITAIN: Hidden Places That Helped Win the Second World War Colin Philpott 6079504 $7.95
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TIN CANS & GREYHOUNDS: The Destroyers That Won Two World Wars Clint Johnson 117777X $7.95
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UNSINKABLE: Five Men and the Indomitable Run of the USS Plunkett James Sullivan 1033514 $7.95
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THE DAY OF BATTLE: The War in Sicily and Italy, 1943-1944 Rick Atkinson 1176544 $6.95
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A GYPSY IN AUSCHWITZ: How I Survived the Horrors of the 'Forgotten Holocaust' Otto Rosenberg 5729955 $5.95
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THE PANZER KILLERS: The Untold Story of a Fighting General and His Spearhead Tank Division's Charge into the Third Reich Daniel P. Bolger 1998331 $6.95
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WHATEVER IT TOOK H. Langrehr & J. DeFelice 490933X Price cut to $3.95
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22 MINUTES: The USS Vincennes and the Tragedy of Savo Island--A Lifetime Survival Story Jeff Spevak 7983069 $6.95
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MONTGOMERY'S RHINE RIVER CROSSING: Operation Plunder Jon Diamond 6998763 $6.95
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MACARTHUR'S SPIES: The Soldier, the Singer, and the Spymaster Who Defied the Japanese in World War II Peter Eisner 4990447 $5.95
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MALA'S CAT Mala Kacenberg 1996797 $6.95
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MARINE RAIDERS: The True Story of the Legendary WWII Battalions Carole Engle Avriett 7938896 $7.95
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I MARCHED WITH PATTON: A Firsthand Account of World War II Alongside One of the U.S. Army's Greatest Generals Frank Sisson with R.L. Wise 4989341 $5.95
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VOICES FROM THE BATTLE OF THE BULGE Nigel de Lee 7864086 $6.95
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TARGET ROMMEL: The Allied Attempts to Assassinate Hitler's General Stephen Wynn 607958X $6.95
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THE STABLE BOY OF AUSCHWITZ H. Oster & D. Ford 7829744 $9.95
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THE SABOTEUR OF AUSCHWITZ: The Inspiring True Story of a British Soldier Held Prisoner in Auschwitz Colin Rushton 1995510 $6.95
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A FROZEN HELL: The Russo-Finnish Winter War of 1939-40 William R. Trotter 7969082 $5.95
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40 THIEVES ON SAIPAN: The Elite Marine Scout-Snipers in One of WWII's Bloodiest Battles Joseph Tachovsky with C. Kraack 7686293 $6.95
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A LUCKY CHILD: A Memoir of Surviving Auschwitz as a Young Boy Thomas Buergenthal 6858104 $3.95
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AFTER JUTLAND: The Naval War in Northern European Waters, June 1916-November 1918 James Goldrick 7939175 $6.95
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THE WAR BEHIND THE WIRE: Voices of the Veterans Patrick Wilson 6079644 $6.95
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CHURCHILL'S BAND OF BROTHERS: WWII's Most Daring D-Day Mission and the Hunt to Take Down Hitler's Fugitive War Criminals Damien Lewis 4999053 $6.95
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GENERALS OF THE BULGE: Leadership in the U.S. Army's Greatest Battle Jerry D. Morelock 797762X $6.95
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A JUDGE IN AUSCHWITZ: Konrad Morgen's Crusade Against Corruption & 'Illegal' Murder Kevin Prenger 6079180 $7.95
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FALLOUT: The Hiroshima Cover-Up and the Reporter Who Revealed It to the World Lesley M.M. Blume 7940890 $6.95
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FIGHTER GROUP: The 352nd "Blue-Nosed Bastards" in World War II Jay A. Stout 7977530 $5.95
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THE TWINS OF AUSCHWITZ: The Inspiring True Story of a Young Girl Surviving Mengele's Hell Eva Mozes Kor with L.R. Buccieri 798409X $7.95
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OPERATION KE: The Cactus Air Force and the Japanese Withdrawal from Guadalcanal Roger & Dennis Letourneau 780301X $7.95
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ABOVE THE REICH C. Heaton & A-M. Lewis 7892845 $6.95
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MY FRIEND ANNE FRANK: The Inspiring and Heartbreaking True Story of Best Friends Torn Apart and Reunited Against All Odds Hannah Pick-Goslar with D. Kraft 7964048 $6.95
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MY NAME IS SELMA: The Remarkable Memoir of a Jewish Resistance Fighter and Ravensbruck Survivor Selma van de Perre 7971133 $5.95
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HITLER'S GREAT GAMBLE: A New Look at German Strategy, Operation Barbarossa, and the Axis Defeat in World War II James Ellman 7978146 $7.95
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WIDOWMAKER: Living and Dying with the Corsair Tim Hillier-Graves 7758324 $7.95
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SLEEPER AGENT: The Atomic Spy in America Who Got Away Ann Hagedorn 7942249 $6.95
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TIN CANS & GREYHOUNDS: The Destroyers That Won Two World Wars Clint Johnson 7879202 $5.95
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THE GUNS AT LAST LIGHT: The War in Western Europe, 1944-1945 Rick Atkinson 1126075 $6.95
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LONG WAY BACK TO THE RIVER KWAI Loet Velmans 1992589 $4.95
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HURRICANES IN ACTION WORLDWIDE Adrian Stewart 6079148 $7.95
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NIGHTMARE AT SCAPA FLOW: The Truth About the Sinking of HMS Royal Oak H.J. Weaver 6079326 $7.95
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INDESTRUCTIBLE: The Unforgettable Memoir of a Marine Hero at the Battle of Iwo Jima Jack H. Lucas with D.K. Drum 7711646 $16.95
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BATTLE OF THE ATLANTIC: Gauntlet to Victory Ted Barris 8008337 $7.95
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STRANDED IN THE SKY: The Untold Story of Pan Am Luxury Airliners Trapped on the Day of Infamy Philip Jett 7840780 $12.95
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TOTAL GERMANY: The Royal Navy's War Against the Axis Powers 1939-1945 David Wragg 6065732 $5.95
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NAZI SEX SPIES: True Stories of Seduction, Subterfuge and State Secrets Al Cimino 1919261 $3.95
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DAYS OF STEEL RAIN: The Epic Story of a WWII Vengeance Ship in the Year of the Kamikaze Brent E. Jones 1998854 $6.95
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SAVING MY ENEMY: A True "Band of Brothers" Story Bob Welch 4951727 $7.95
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INFERNO: The True Story of a B-17 Gunner's Heroism and the Bloodiest Military Campaign in Aviation History Joe Pappalardo 7716273 $7.95
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THE DAY FIGHTERS: German Fighters in World War II Werner Held 7833334 $6.95
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MEN OF THE BATTLE OF BRITAIN: A Biographical Directory of The Few Kenneth G. Wynn 607930X $9.95
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1943: Days of Peril, Year of Victory Victor Brooks 7983050 $5.95
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LIGHTNING SKY: A U.S. Fighter Pilot Captured During WWII and His Father's Quest to Find Him R.C. George 4839005 Price cut to $3.95
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COMMANDANT OF AUSCHWITZ: The Autobiography of Rudolf Hoess 797325X $7.95
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17 CARNATIONS: The Royals, the Nazis, and the Biggest Cover-Up in History Andrew Morton 7876041 $5.95
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INGE'S WAR: A German Woman's Story of Family, Secrets, and Survival Under Hitler Svenja O'Donnell 1996657 $4.95
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MEN OF ARMOR: The History of B Company, 756th Tank Battalion in World War II Jeff Danby 7753659 $7.95
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TWENTY-TWO ON PELELIU: Four Pacific Campaigns with the Corps George Peto with P. Margaritis 7758243 $6.95
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HITLER'S HOUSEWIVES: German Women on the Home Front Tim Heath 7809638 $7.95
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IN THE CAULDRON: Terror, Tension, and the American Ambassador's Struggle to Avoid Pearl Harbor Lew Paper 119433X $5.95
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SUBMARINE! The Classic Account of Undersea Combat in World War II Edward L. Beach 4759117 $7.95
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THE GOOD ASSASSIN: How a Mossad Agent and a Band of Survivors Hunted Down the Butcher of Latvia Stephan Talty 4811445 Price cut to $4.95
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SECRET SERVICE AGAINST THE NAZI REGIME: How Our Spies Dealt with Hitler Edward Harrison 6079490 $5.95
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CROSS-CHANNEL ATTACK, VOLUME 1: U.S. Army in World War II Gordon A. Harrison 7827202 $7.95
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HITLER'S BOY SOLDIERS: How My Father's Generation Was Trained to Kill and Sent to Die for Germany Helene Munson 7842910 $5.95
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WAR ANIMALS: The Unsung Heroes of World War II Robin Hutton 7879210 $5.95
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AS GOOD AS DEAD: The Daring Escape of American POWs from a Japanese Death Camp Stephen L. Moore 7928858 $5.95
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SECRET CASUALTIES OF WORLD WAR TWO: Uncovering the Civilian Deaths from Friendly Fire Simon Webb 6079474 $5.95
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LILY'S PROMISE: Holding on to Hope Through Auschwitz and Beyond--A Story for All Generations L. Ebert & D. Forman 7763573 $7.95
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KNIGHTS OF THE REICH: The Twenty-Seven Most Highly Decorated Soldiers of the Wehrmacht in World War II Gunther Fraschka 7833385 $7.95
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THE MEN WHO KILLED THE LUFTWAFFE: The U.S. Army Air Forces Against Germany in World War II Jay A. Stout 7837259 $5.95
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CHURCHILL'S FOLLY: The Battles for Kos and Leros, 1943 Anthony Rogers 7891806 $6.95
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PRELUDE TO CATASTROPHE: FDR's Jews and the Menace of Nazism Robert Shogan 1033492 $5.95
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LIFE UNDER NAZI OCCUPATION: The Struggle to Survive During World War II Paul Roland 1919245 $5.95
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RESCUE AT LOS BANOS: The Most Daring Prison Camp Raid of World War II Bruce Henderson 4901134 $4.95
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THE SPLIT HISTORY OF THE D-DAY INVASION Michael Burgan 4990544 $4.95
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DAMN LUCKY: One Man's Courage During the Bloodiest Military Campaign in Aviation History Kevin Maurer 7763395 $7.95
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FACING THE MOUNTAIN: A True Story of Japanese American Heroes in World War II Daniel James Brown 7904843 $7.95
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DEFYING HITLER: The Germans Who Resisted Nazi Rule G. Thomas & G. Lewis 1996908 $9.95
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THE LUFTWAFFE IN THE NORTH AFRICAN CAMPAIGN 1941-1943: A Photo Chronicle W. Held & E. Obermaier 7833407 $6.95
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OVERTURE OF HOPE: Two Sisters' Daring Plan That Saved Opera's Jewish Stars from the Third Reich Isabel Vincent 1162330 $5.95
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EVERY MAN A HERO: A Memoir of D-Day, the First Wave at Omaha Beach, and a World at War R. Lambert & J. DeFelice 7901186 $6.95
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"PROMISE ME YOU'LL SHOOT YOURSELF": The Mass Suicide of Ordinary Germans in 1945 Florian Huber 7907990 $9.95
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BATTLESHIP TEXAS: Naval History Special Edition Lawrence Burr 1995340 $15.95
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THE FALAISE POCKET: Normandy, August 1944 Yves Buffetaut 4717481 $5.95
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DEAD RECKONING: The Story of How Johnny Mitchell and His Fighter Pilots Took on Admiral Yamamoto and Avenged Pearl Harbor Dick Lehr 4846680 $7.95
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UNIFORMS OF THE GERMAN SOLDIER Alejandro M. de Quesada 6065767 $12.95
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THE YORK PATROL: The Real Story of Alvin York and the Unsung Heroes Who Made Him World War I's Most Famous Soldier James Carl Nelson 7683030 $6.95
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KATYN 1940: The Documentary Evidence of the West's Betrayal Eugenia Maresch 7783116 $6.95
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CHURCHILL'S SHADOW RAIDERS: The Race to Develop Radar, WWII's Invisible Secret Weapon Damien Lewis 4999061 $5.95
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A DELAYED LIFE: The True Story of the Librarian of Auschwitz Dita Kraus 7874642 $6.95
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