New Age Spirituality

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THE LIGHT WITHIN A HUMAN HEART: The Book of Asaph 7989857 $6.95
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AWAKENING IN THE DREAM: Contact with the Divine 699394X $5.95
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A COURSE IN MASTERING ALCHEMY: Tools to Shift, Transform and Ascend 7989806 $7.95
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PROSPERITY MAGICK: Spells for Wealth 1175297 $5.95
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THE UNIVERSE IS TALKING TO YOU: Tap into Signs & Synchronicity to Reveal Magical Moments Every Day 607703X $13.95
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THE IMMUTABLE LAWS OF THE AKASHIC FIELD: Universal Truths for a Better Life and a Better World 7839839 $6.95
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THE ESSENTIAL BOOK OF SHAMANISM: Meet Your Powerful Healing Allies 699959X $5.95
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CHARMS & SYMBOLS: How to Weave the Power of Ancient Signs and Marks into Modern Life 1999621 $5.95
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HOW TO MANIFEST: Bring Your Goals into Alignment with the Alchemy of the Universe 6077331 $5.95
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THE EGO-LESS SELF: Achieving Peace & Tranquility Beyond All Understanding 7876408 $5.95
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CHAKRA HEALING: How to Balance and Align Yourself 8041571 $8.95
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THE BOOK OF POWER: The Greatest Works of the Ages on Attaining Mastery, Magnetism, and Personal Power 7727712 $21.95
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THE TRANSFORMATIONAL POWER OF DREAMING: Discovering the Wishes of the Soul 6065740 $5.95
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AWAKEN THE HEALER WITHIN: A Guide to Total Mind & Body Healing 7952767 $14.95
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THE RETURN OF COLLECTIVE INTELLIGENCE: Ancient Wisdom for a World Out of Balance 6065643 $5.95
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THE ESSENTIAL BOOK OF AURAS: Protect and Strengthen Your Energy Body 6999530 $5.95
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HOW TO SMILE 7976909 $7.95
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THE NEW SIRIAN REVELATIONS: Galactic Prophecies from the Sixth Dimension 7986793 $19.95
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AURAS: Awakening Awareness 7696787 $5.95
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GOOD WITHOUT GOD: What a Billion Nonreligious People Do Believe 7804652 $5.95
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GOD IS A WOMAN: The Path to Singlediversity 7906501 $12.95
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THE LINE: A New Way of Living with the Wisdom of Your Akashic Records 7958781 $6.95
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THE KINGDOM: A Channeled Text 1934422 $4.95
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JUMPING OFF! 4712277 $3.95
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ALCHEMY: A Channeled Text 7841396 $2.95
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THE PSYCHEDELIC EXPLORER'S GUIDE: Safe, Therapeutic, and Sacred Journeys 4996208 $15.95
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ACTIVATE YOUR SUPER-HUMAN POTENTIAL: The Ultimate 5D Toolkit 7786808 $24.95
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AURAS: How to Balance and Cleanse Your Energy Body 7804997 $7.95
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IN THE WORLD, BUT NOT OF IT: Transforming Everyday Experience into a Spiritual Path 782162X $7.95
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THE HERMETIC TREE OF LIFE: Elemental Magic and Spiritual Initiation 8007632 $24.95
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EARTH FREQUENCY: Sacred Sites, Vortexes, Earth Chakras, and Other Transformational Places 3891216 $7.95
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THE SEVEN TYPES OF SPIRIT GUIDE: How to Connect and Communicate with Your Cosmic Helpers 4691008 $13.95
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THE POWER WISH 7704437 $5.95
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HERMETIC PHILOSOPHY AND CREATIVE ALCHEMY: The Emerald Tablet, the Corpus Hermeticum, and the Journey Through the Seven Spheres 7725337 $31.95
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WHAT'S YOUR HEAVEN? 7 Lessons to Heal the Past and Live Fully Now 8010005 $7.95
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SHAMANISM: Your Personal Journey to Healing and Self-Discovery 1942719 $11.95
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RITUAL AS REMEDY: Embodied Practices for Soul Care 1990780 $7.95
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THE QUANTUM AKASHIC FIELD: A Guide to Out-of-Body Experiences for the Astral Traveler 3809595 $13.95
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WAKE, BAKE & MEDITATE: Take Your Spiritual Practice to a Higher Level with Cannabis 3927997 $7.95
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THE 369 MANIFESTATION JOURNAL: A 52-Week Guide to Using Divine Numbers & Law of Attraction Techniques to Manifest Your Desires 7693427 $12.95
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STARSEEDS: What's It All About? 7710909 $9.95
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THE SEVEN GATEWAYS OF SPIRITUAL EXPERIENCE: Awakening to a Deeper Knowledge of Love, Life Balance, and God 1247867 $15.95
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THE BOOK OF PENDULUM HEALING: Charting Your Healing Course for Mind, Body, & Spirit 3953513 $12.95
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THE SPIRIT ANIMAL DIRECTORY: 100 Spirit Animals for Inner Enlightenment 7790392 $9.95
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THE ELOQUENCE OF SILENCE: Surprising Wisdom in Tales of Emptiness 7842139 $13.95
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THE NINE WAVES OF CREATION: Quantum Physics, Holographic Evolution, and the Destiny of Humanity 4996178 $15.95
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SHAMANIC REIKI DRUMMING: Intuitive Healing with Sound and Vibration 7900406 $15.95
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THE MAGDALENE FREQUENCY: Become the Love You Are, Not the Love You Seek 7963807 $15.95
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HEAL YOUR ANCESTORS TO HEAL YOUR LIFE: The Transformative Power of Genealogical Regression 4735250 $13.95
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11:11 THE TIME PROMPT PHENOMENON: Mysterious Signs, Sequences, and Synchronicities 4808991 $12.95
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QIGONG, THIRD EDITION: The Secret of Youth 7725272 $26.95
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WINTER: Rituals to Thrive in the Dark Cycle of the Saeculum 787006X $3.95
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LIFE, PART TWO: Seven Keys to Awakening with Purpose and Joy as You Age 1923633 $7.95
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BELIEF, BEING, AND BEYOND: Your Journey to Questioning Ideas, Deconstructing Concepts & Healing from Harmful Belief Systems 1975188 $9.95
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HERMETIC HERBALISM: The Art of Extracting Spagyric Essences 3921697 $11.95
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THE ELECTROMAGNETIC BRAIN: EM Field Theories on the Nature of Consciousness 4675517 $11.95
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VIBRATIONAL NUTRITION: Understanding the Energetic Signature of Foods 4730259 $7.95
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BEYOND AND WITHIN: The White Eagle Way to Meditate Effortlessly 7843194 $11.95
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SAGE, HUNTRESS, LOVER, QUEEN: Access Your Power and Creativity Through Sacred Female Archetypes 7888449 $11.95
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VENERATION RITES OF CURANDERISMO: Invoking the Sacred Energy of Our Ancestors 7925247 $15.95
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FINDING YOUR ELVENHEART: Working with the Inner Realm of the Sidhe 3992659 $9.95
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WHISPER IN THE HEART: The Ongoing Presence of Neem Karoli Baba 7705433 $14.95
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THE CHAKRA PROJECT: How the Healing Power of Energy Can Transform Your Life 7794932 $5.95
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MASTERING YOUR 5D SELF: Tools to Create a New Reality 1931059 $9.95
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20 THINGS I KNOW FOR SURE: Principles for Cultivating a Peaceful Life 372431X $11.95
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FIERCE FEMININE RISING: Heal from Predatory Relationships & Recenter Your Personal Power 3823377 $13.95
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THE PATH OF THE WARRIOR-MYSTIC: Being a Man in an Age of Chaos 4908589 $12.95
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RADICAL REGENERATION: Sacred Activism and the Renewal of the World 7759525 $9.95
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ANIMAL WAYSHOWERS: The Lightworkers Ushering in 5D Consciousness 7765665 $7.95
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THE BIODYNAMICS OF THE IMMUNE SYSTEM: Balancing the Energies of the Body with the Cosmos 7786816 $24.95
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THE SPIRIT OF BOTANY: Aromatic Recipes and Rituals 1133918 $7.95
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CHANGE YOUR AURA, CHANGE YOUR LIFE: A Step-by-Step Guide to Unfolding Your Spiritual Power 4495179 $19.95
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WAS THAT A SIGN FROM HEAVEN? How to Connect with the Afterlife 4568966 $14.95
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NINE WAYS TO CHARM A DRYAD: A Magical Adventure to Connect with the Spirit of Trees 4976339 $11.95
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ANCESTRAL WHISPERS: A Guide to Building Ancestral Veneration Practices 6076882 $14.95
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IN OUR ELEMENT: Using the Five Elements as Soul Medicine to Unleash Your Personal Power 7698283 $5.95
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THE COSMIC DANCE: Finding Patterns and Pathways in a Chaotic Universe 7750226 $17.95
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