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THE SUPER AGE: Decoding Our Demographic Destiny Bradley Schurman Hardbound 7808674 $4.95
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THE WAY FORWARD: Master Life's Toughest Battles and Create Your Lasting Legacy R. O'Neill & D. Meyer Hardbound 7808763 $4.95
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THE LITTLE BOOK OF WISDOM: For When Life Gets a Little Tough Edited by Victoria Denne Hardbound 7822030 $4.95
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THE BEST ADVICE EVER GIVEN: The Greatest Life Lessons for Success in the Real World Edited by Steven D. Price Paperbound 7849087 $4.95
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DREAM BIG: Overcoming Fear and Achieving Success Napoleon Hill Paperbound 7860544 $4.95
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DESIGNING YOUR WORK LIFE: How to Thrive and Change and Find Happiness at Work B. Burnett & D. Evans Hardbound 7870256 $4.95
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THE ATTRIBUTES: 25 Hidden Drivers of Optimal Performance Rich Diviney Hardbound 7876645 $4.95
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GIRL TALK: Growing Up Lizzie Cox, illus. by D. Weighill Paperbound 7880464 $4.95
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EMBRACE YOUR ALMOST: Find Clarity and Contentment in the In-Betweens, Not-Quites, and Unknowns Jordan Lee Dooley Paperbound 7892977 $4.95
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HOW PROUST CAN CHANGE YOUR LIFE Alain de Botton Paperbound 7894023 $4.95
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BREATHE CRY BREATHE: From Sorrow to Strength in the Aftermath of Sudden, Tragic Loss Catherine Gourdier Paperbound 7904762 $4.95
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HOW TO CULTIVATE BELONGING: A Guide to Improving Your Relationship and Connection with Others Adele R. Ackert Paperbound 7989555 $4.95
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HAPPY HABITS: 50 Science-Backed Rituals to Adopt (or Stop) to Boost Health and Happiness Karen Salmansohn Hardbound 8054150 $4.95
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PASSING: A Memoir of Love and Death Michael Korda Hardbound 1041347 $5.95
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FOR YOU WHEN I AM GONE: A Journal Steve Leder Paperbound 1041711 $5.95
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THE GENIUS OF JESUS: The Man Who Changed Everything Erwin Raphael McManus Hardbound 1126067 $5.95
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STFU: The Power of Keeping Your Mouth Shut in an Endlessly Noisy World Dan Lyons Hardbound 1126202 $5.95
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WISDOM FROM A HUMBLE JELLYFISH: And Other Self-Care Rituals from Nature Rani Shah Hardbound 1162861 $5.95
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PROSPERITY MAGICK: Spells for Wealth Cassandra Eason Hardbound 1175297 $5.95
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THE GREAT GUIDE: What David Hume Can Teach Us About Being Human and Living Well Julian Baggini Hardbound 1926101 $5.95
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THE OUT-OF-SYNC CHILD, THIRD EDITION: Recognizing and Coping with Sensory Processing Differences Carol Stock Kranowitz Paperbound 1937359 $5.95
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SECOND SPRING: The Self-Care Guide to Menopause Kate Codrington Paperbound 1950614 $5.95
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REPOTTING YOUR LIFE: Sense When You're Stuck, Explore What's Possible, Claim Room to Grow Frances Edmonds Hardbound 1956884 $5.95
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DREAM GUIDANCE: Connecting to the Soul Through Dream Incubation Machiel Klerk Paperbound 1974017 $5.95
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LIGHT AFTER LOSS: A Spiritual Guide for Comfort, Hope, and Healing Ashley Davis Bush Paperbound 1983237 $5.95
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FIXED: How to Perfect the Fine Art of Problem Solving Amy E. Herman Hardbound 1985248 $5.95
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IF YOU COULD LIVE ANYWHERE: The Surprising Importance of Place in a Work-from-Anywhere World Melody Warnick Paperbound 1987399 $5.95
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CHOOSING COMPASSION: How to Be of Benefit in a World That Needs Our Love Anam Thubten Paperbound 1996894 $5.95
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NO-REGRET DECISIONS: Making Good Choices During Difficult Times Shannon Lee Simmons Paperbound 1998285 $5.95
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LOVE IT OR LEAVE IT: How to Be Happy at Work Samantha Clarke Paperbound 1999052 $5.95
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CHARMS & SYMBOLS: How to Weave the Power of Ancient Signs and Marks into Modern Life Alison Davies Hardbound 1999621 $5.95
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THE ART OF INSUBORDINATION: How to Dissent & Defy Effectively Todd B. Kashdan Hardbound 2688344 $5.95
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THE BIG ME, LITTLE YOU BOOK: A Journal for Kids Big and Small R. Kempster & M. Leder Paperbound 3806499 $5.95
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BUY THE AVOCADO TOAST: How to Crush Student Debt, Make More Money, and Live Your Best Life Stephanie Bousley Paperbound 3949745 $5.95
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FRIENDS: Understanding the Power of Our Most Important Relationships Robin Dunbar Paperbound 4228812 $5.95
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LITTLE HOUSE LIFE HACKS: Lessons for the Modern Pioneer from Laura Ingalls Wilder's Prairie A. Bailey & S. Shubert Hardbound 4257421 $5.95
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RESPECT: Everything a Guy Needs to Know About Sex, Love, and Consent Inti Chavez Perez Paperbound 4684877 $5.95
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MAKING SPACE: How to Live Happier by Setting Boundaries That Work for You Jayne Hardy Paperbound 469807X $5.95
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CREATIVE CARE: A Revolutionary Approach to Dementia and Elder Care Anne Basting Paperbound 4757300 $5.95
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101 THINGS I LEARNED IN FASHION SCHOOL Alfredo Cabrera, illus. by M. Frederick Hardbound 4814509 $5.95
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HOW YOUR CHILD LEARNS BEST Judy Willis Paperbound 4923030 $5.95
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GOOD ENOUGH: A Cookbook--Embracing the Joys of Imperfection & Practicing Self-Care in the Kitchen Leanne Brown Paperbound 4942531 $5.95
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SERVING PRODUCTIVE TIME: Stories, Poems, and Tips to Inspire Positive Change from Inmates, Prison Staff, and Volunteers Tom & Laura Lagana Paperbound 4963369 $5.95
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DAD, HOW DO I? Practical "Dadvice" for Everyday Tasks and Successful Living Rob Kenney Hardbound 4976797 $5.95
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RIVER OF TIME: My Descent into Depression and How I Emerged with Hope Naomi Judd with M. Wilkie Paperbound 499082X $5.95
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PEACE IS A PRACTICE: An Invitation to Breathe Deep and Find a New Rhythm for Life Morgan Harper Nichols Hardbound 4994892 $5.95
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I CRY IN CORNERS: Embracing Your Feelings, Throat-Punching Anxiety, and Managing Your Emotions Well Chari Orozco Hardbound 4997050 $5.95
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UNBREAKABLE: How I Turned My Depression and Anxiety into Motivation and You Can Too Jay Glazer with S. Tomlinson Hardbound 4997239 $5.95
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THE ART OF CHILLING OUT FOR WOMEN: 100+ Ways to Replace Worry and Stress with Spiritual Healing, Self-Care, and Self-Love Angela D. Coleman Hardbound 5722667 $5.95
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IMMUNITY FOOD FIX: 100 Superfoods and Nutrition Hacks to Reverse Inflammation, Prevent Illness, and Boost Your Immunity Donna Beydoun Mazzola Paperbound 5734037 $5.95
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THE RETURN OF COLLECTIVE INTELLIGENCE: Ancient Wisdom for a World Out of Balance Dery Dyer Paperbound 6065643 $5.95
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THE TRANSFORMATIONAL POWER OF DREAMING: Discovering the Wishes of the Soul S. Larsen & T. Verner Paperbound 6065740 $5.95
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HOW TO MANIFEST: Bring Your Goals into Alignment with the Alchemy of the Universe Gill Thackray Hardbound 6077331 $5.95
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SIMPLE SUCCESS: How to Prosper in Good Times and Bad Napoleon Hill et al Paperbound 6080812 $5.95
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I USED TO BE: How to Navigate Large and Small Losses in Life and Find Your Path Forward Chuck & Ashley Elliott Paperbound 6082904 $5.95
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UNLOCKING SECRETS: How to Get People to Tell You Everything David Craig Paperbound 6898882 $5.95
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CAN'T SEE THE WOOD FOR THE TREES? Landscaping Your Life to Get Back on Track Alison Smith Paperbound 6970109 $5.95
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AWAKENING IN THE DREAM: Contact with the Divine David Wilcock Hardbound 699394X $5.95
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GOOD BAGGAGE: How Your Difficult Childhood Prepared You for Healthy Relationships Ike Miller Paperbound 6994083 $5.95
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HOW TO BE SAD: Everything I've Learned About Getting Happier by Being Sad Helen Russell Hardbound 6994113 $5.95
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MIND YOUR MINDSET: The Science That Shows Success Starts with Your Thinking M. Hyatt & M.H. Miller Hardbound 6994229 $5.95
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STRENGTH IN STILLNESS: The Power of Transcendental Meditation Bob Roth Paperbound 6994350 $5.95
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ASK FOR MORE: 10 Questions to Negotiate Anything Alexandra Carter Paperbound 6996884 $5.95
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AURAS: Awakening Awareness Vanessa Tucker Hardbound 7696787 $5.95
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IN OUR ELEMENT: Using the Five Elements as Soul Medicine to Unleash Your Personal Power Lindsay Fauntleroy Paperbound 7698283 $5.95
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EVERYTHING IS TEMPORARY: Illustrated Contemplations on How Death Shapes Our Lives Iris Gottlieb Paperbound 7706030 $5.95
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