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ARE YOU PREPARED FOR THE STORM OF LOVE MAKING? Letters of Love and Lust from the White House Dorothy & Thomas Hoobler Hardbound 1105965 $21.95
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THE PURSUIT OF HAPPINESS: How Classical Writers on Virtue Inspired the Lives of the Founders and Defined America Jeffrey Rosen Hardbound 1194615 $21.95
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THE CASE OF LIZZIE BORDEN AND OTHER WRITINGS Elizabeth Garver Jordan Paperbound 8882509 $16.95
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PICTORIAL HISTORY OF THE CIVIL WAR, VOLUME 1 Benson J. Lossing Paperbound 495520X Price cut to $14.95
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THE SUPPRESSED HISTORY OF AMERICA: The Murder of Meriwether Lewis and the Mysterious Discoveries of the Lewis and Clark Expedition P. Schrag & X. Haze Paperbound 3336441 $11.95
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AMERICA'S PATRIOTIC HOLIDAYS: An Illustrated History John Wesley & Sandra Lynn Thomas Paperbound 153176X $9.95
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LIFE, LIBERTY, AND THE PURSUIT OF HAPPINESS: Britain and the American Dream Peter Moore Hardbound 6065511 $9.95
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A CELEBRATION OF BELLS E. Sloane & E. Hatch Paperbound 3854353 $7.95
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THE IMPROBABLE CONQUEST: Sixteenth-Century Letters from the Rio de la Plata Edited by P.G. Loaeza & V.L. Garrett Paperbound 794246X $6.95
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THE GREATER JOURNEY: Americans in Paris David McCullough Paperbound 1041746 $5.95
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THE EMPIRE STATE OF THE SOUTH: Georgia History in Documents and Essays Christopher C. Meyers Hardbound 7684835 $5.95
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