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BLESSED ARE THE BANK ROBBERS: The True Adventures of an Evangelical Outlaw Chas Smith Hardbound 7800800 $4.95
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SECOND CITY SINNERS: True Crime from Historic Chicago's Deadly Streets Jon Seidel Hardbound 7849494 $4.95
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GREAT AMERICAN CRIME STORIES Edited by Bill Bowers Paperbound 7978049 $4.95
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THE COMPLETE HISTORY OF JACK THE RIPPER Philip Sugden Paperbound 4714067 $3.95
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THE GOLDEN THREAD: The Cold War and the Mysterious Death of Dag Hammarskjold Ravi Somaiya Paperbound 7688318 $3.95
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SO MUCH BAD IN THE BEST OF US: The Salacious and Audacious Life of John W. Talbot Greta Fisher Paperbound 7698550 $2.95
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