Political Philosophy

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DEMOCRACY IN AMERICA Alexis de Tocqueville Hardbound 1207202 $6.95
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EDMUND BURKE: Selected Writings and Speeches Paperbound 1194119 $4.95
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THE PEOPLE HAVE SPOKEN (AND THEY ARE WRONG:) The Case Against Democracy David Harsanyi Hardbound 1162365 $4.95
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FREEDOM AND VIRTUE: The Conservative / Libertarian Debate Edited by George W. Carey Paperbound 1194186 $4.95
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CONSERVATISM: A Rediscovery Yoram Hazony Hardbound 120713X $4.95
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PROPHETS OF DECEIT: A Study of the Techniques of the American Agitator L. Lowenthal & N. Guterman Paperbound 7998031 $7.95
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MACHIAVELLI ON POLITICS AND POWER Niccolo Machiavelli Paperbound 4742370 $14.95
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THE COMMUNIST MANIFESTO K. Marx & F. Engels Paperbound 7948654 $5.95
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TECHNOCRACY DVD 7839502 $3.95
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A WORLD AFTER LIBERALISM: Philosophers of the Radical Right Matthew Rose Hardbound 7931174 $7.95
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NEVER-ENDING NIGHTMARE: The Neoliberal Assault on Democracy P. Dardot & C. Laval Hardbound 7930917 $7.95
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CHRONICLES OF DISSENT: Collected Interviews with David Barsamian 1984-1996 Noam Chomsky Paperbound 7891792 $6.95
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13 1/2 REASONS WHY NOT TO BE A LIBERAL Judd Dunning with E. Golub Hardbound 1932918 $6.95
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ROGUE STATES: The Rule of Force in World Affairs Noam Chomsky Paperbound 7992629 $8.95
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THE REACTIONARY MIND: Why "Conservative" Isn't Enough Michael Warren Davis Hardbound 1162551 $5.95
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THE PRINCE Niccolo Machiavelli Paperbound 7906315 $5.95
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OLD GODS, NEW ENIGMAS: Marx's Lost Theory Mike Davis Hardbound 7930933 $7.95
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THE AGE OF PRECARITY: Endless Crisis as an Art of Government Dario Gentili Paperbound 7997949 $6.95
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UNDER THE SOCIALIST BANNER: Resolutions of the Second International 1889-1912 Edited by Mike Taber Paperbound 7772831 $5.95
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THE WORST IS YET TO COME: A Post-Capitalist Survival Guide Peter Fleming Paperbound 7794789 $5.95
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THE DESTRUCTION OF REASON Georg Lukacs Paperbound 7997965 $19.95
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HOW TO READ LIKE A PARASITE: Why the Left Got High on Nietzsche Daniel Tutt Paperbound 7992998 $12.95
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50 DEMOCRACY IDEAS YOU REALLY NEED TO KNOW Adam Fleming Paperbound 1027263 $9.95
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THE 1896 PROPHECIES: 10 Predictions of America's Last Days
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Liz Martin et al Paperbound 1175564 $13.95
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