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INGREDIENTS: The Strange Chemistry of What We Put in Us and on Us George Zaidan Hardbound 4994728 $5.95
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PALE RIDER: The Spanish Flu of 1918 and How It Changed the World Laura Spinney Paperbound 4997395 $5.95
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THE CEILING OUTSIDE: The Science and Experience of the Disrupted Mind Noga Arikha Hardbound 5703492 $5.95
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ZEN-BRAIN HORIZONS: Toward a Living Zen James H. Austin Hardbound 5871247 $5.95
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DANGEROUS MEDICINE: The Story Behind Human Experiments with Hepatitis Sydney A. Halpern Hardbound 6065333 $5.95
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THE WRITTEN WORLD: Past and Place in the World of Orderic Vitalis Amanda Jane Hingst Paperbound 6065791 $5.95
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BETWEEN EARTH AND PARADISE Mike Tomkies Paperbound 6076130 $5.95
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VOYAGER: To the Final Frontier DVD 699380X $5.95
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THERE PLANT EYES: A Personal and Cultural History of Blindness M. Leona Godin Hardbound 6994385 $5.95
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EINSTEIN'S FRIDGE: How the Difference Between Hot and Cold Explains the Universe Paul Sen Hardbound 6997031 $5.95
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THE JOY OF SCIENCE Jim Al-Khalili Hardbound 6997627 $5.95
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AFTER COOLING: On Freon, Global Warming, and the Terrible Cost of Comfort Eric Dean Wilson Paperbound 7681577 $5.95
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CRYPTOGRAPHY: The Key to Digital Security, How It Works, and Why It Matters Keith Martin Hardbound 7690150 $5.95
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THE SCIENCE OF SHERLOCK HOLMES Stewart Ross Hardbound 7700466 $5.95
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UFOS, ALIENS AND THE BATTLE FOR THE TRUTH: A Short History of Ufology Neil Nixon Paperbound 7701470 $5.95
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AGELESS: The New Science of Getting Older Without Getting Old Andrew Steele Hardbound 7701705 $5.95
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CHASING THE SUN: How the Science of Sunlight Shapes Our Bodies and Minds Linda Geddes Hardbound 7719248 $5.95
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EXTRATERRESTRIAL: The First Sign of Intelligent Life Beyond Earth Avi Loeb Paperbound 7720831 $5.95
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SILENT EARTH: Averting the Insect Apocalypse Dave Goulson Paperbound 7726279 Price cut to $5.95
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FIRE & ICE: The Volcanoes of the Solar System Natalie Starkey Hardbound 772649X Price cut to $5.95
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INFECTIOUS: Pathogens and How We Fight Them John S. Tregoning Paperbound 7729669 Price cut to $5.95
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THE SCIENCE OF TIME TRAVEL: The Secrets Behind Time Machines, Time Loops, Alternate Realities, and More! Elizabeth Howell Paperbound 774417X $5.95
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VACCINES: A Reappraisal Richard Moskowitz Hardbound 7744218 $5.95
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GETTING INSIDE YOUR HEAD: What Cognitive Science Can Tell Us About Popular Culture Lisa Zunshine Hardbound 7747918 $5.95
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DISCOVER THE STARS: Starwatching Using the Naked Eye, Binoculars, or a Telescope Richard Berry Paperbound 7753780 $5.95
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THEY KNEW: The US Federal Government's Fifty-Year Role in Causing the Climate Crisis James Gustave Speth Hardbound 7756836 $5.95
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THRIVING WITH MICROBES: The Unseen Intelligence Within and Around Us Sputnik Futures Paperbound 7759169 $5.95
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THE SECRET LIVES OF PLANETS: Order, Chaos, and Uniqueness in the Solar System Paul Murdin Paperbound 7770456 $5.95
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THE MIND MAP BOOK: How to Use Radiant Thinking to Maximize Your Brain's Untapped Potential Tony & Barry Buzan Paperbound 7771894 $5.95
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COUNT DOWN Shanna H. Swan with S. Colino Paperbound 7778538 $5.95
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SPARE PARTS: The Story of Medicine Through the History of Transplant Surgery Paul Craddock Hardbound 7783663 $5.95
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THE CREEPING GARDEN: Irrational Encounters with Plasmodial Slime Moulds J. Sharp & T. Grabham Paperbound 7785208 $5.95
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GLIMPSES OF CREATURES IN THEIR PHYSICAL WORLDS Steven Vogel Paperbound 7788479 Price cut to $5.95
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ACOUSTICS: The Art of Sound Steve Marshall Paperbound 7796943 $5.95
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THE ANATOMY BIBLE: The Incredible Biology of You Ken Okona-Mensah Paperbound 7797249 $5.95
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A HISTORY OF MEDICINE IN 50 OBJECTS Gill Paul Hardbound 779729X $5.95
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RELATIVITY: The Special and the General Theory Albert Einstein Paperbound 7805292 $5.95
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THE END OF LIFE AS WE KNOW IT: Ominous News from the Frontiers of Science Michael Guillen Hardbound 7807856 $5.95
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UNDENIABLE: How Biology Confirms Our Intuition That Life Is Designed Douglas Axe Paperbound 7814909 $5.95
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TREMORS IN THE BLOOD: Murder, Obsession, and the Birth of the Lie Detector Amit Katwala Paperbound 7817320 Price cut to $5.95
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GREAT DISCOVERIES IN MEDICINE: From Ayurveda to X-rays, Cancer to Covid Edited by William & Helen Bynum Paperbound 7821166 Price cut to $5.95
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THE QUANTUM WORLD: The Disturbing Theory at the Heart of Reality NewScientist Paperbound 7824491 $5.95
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SMOKE & MIRRORS: How Hype Obscures the Future and How to See Past It Gemma Milne Paperbound 7824599 $5.95
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THE BIG IDEAS IN SCIENCE: A Complete Introduction Jon Evans Paperbound 7827849 $5.95
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EPIC RIVALRY: The Inside Story of the Soviet and American Space Race V. Hardesty & G. Eisman Paperbound 7828020 $5.95
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NOTES ON NURSING: What It Is, and What It Is Not Florence Nightingale Paperbound 7836279 $5.95
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HOW TO SAVE THE WORLD FOR JUST A TRILLION DOLLARS: The Ten Biggest Problems We Can Actually Fix Rowan Hooper Paperbound 7842627 $5.95
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LIFE'S EDGE: The Search for What It Means to Be Alive Carl Zimmer Hardbound 7842678 Price cut to $5.95
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SPACE EXPLORATION: A History in 100 Objects Sten Odenwald Hardbound 7843089 Price cut to $5.95
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THE WASP THAT BRAINWASHED THE CATERPILLAR: Evolution's Most Unbelievable Solutions to Life's Biggest Problems Matt Simon Hardbound 7844441 $5.95
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HOW TO SELL A POISON: The Rise, Fall, and Toxic Return of DDT Elena Conis Hardbound 784655X $5.95
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A JOURNEY THROUGH THE UNIVERSE: A Traveller's Guide from the Center of the Sun to the Edge of the Unknown New Scientist Paperbound 7846568 $5.95
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THE WORLD WITHOUT US Alan Weisman Paperbound 7847769 $5.95
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THE ORIGIN OF (ALMOST) EVERYTHING New Scientist Paperbound 7848145 $5.95
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SAY WHY TO DRUGS: Everything You Need to Know About the Drugs We Take and Why We Get High Suzi Gage Paperbound 7848358 $5.95
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THE TRIVIA LOVER'S GUIDE TO EVEN MORE OF THE WORLD Gary Fuller Paperbound 7849621 $5.95
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DRY: Life Without Water Edited by E. Masood & D. Schaffer Hardbound 7850344 $5.95
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THAT'S DISGUSTING: Unraveling the Mysteries of Repulsion Rachel Herz Hardbound 7850638 $5.95
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WATERPOWER IN LOWELL: Engineering and Industry in Nineteenth-Century America Patrick M. Malone Paperbound 7850700 $5.95
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THE BRAIN UNDER SIEGE: Solving the Mystery of Brain Disease, and How Scientists Are Following the Clues to a Cure Howard L. Weiner Hardbound 785403X $5.95
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BEYOND: Our Future in Space Chris Impey Paperbound 785689X $5.95
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QUANTUM PHYSICS: Knowledge in a Nutshell Sten Odenwald Paperbound 7858604 $5.95
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CHRONIC: The Hidden Cause of the Autoimmune Epidemic and How to Get Healthy Again Steven Phillips et al Paperbound 7862067 $5.95
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SCIENCE MADE SIMPLE: A Complete Guide in Ten Easy Lessons Victoria Williams Hardbound 7864019 $5.95
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THE CLOCK MIRAGE: Our Myth of Measured Time Joseph Mazur Hardbound 7875703 $5.95
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DISCOVERING THE UNIVERSE: A Guide to the Galaxies, Planets, and Stars Sten Odenwald Hardbound 7887779 $5.95
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FOSSIL MEN: The Quest for the Oldest Skeleton and the Origins of Humankind Kermit Pattison Paperbound 7902778 $5.95
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FIRST STEPS: How Upright Walking Made Us Human Jeremy DeSilva Paperbound 7904851 $5.95
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ATOM LAND: A Guided Tour Through the Strange (and Impossibly Small) World of Particle Physics Jon Butterworth Paperbound 7906935 $5.95
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THE BRAIN: An Illustrated History of Neuroscience Tom Jackson Hardbound 7906978 $5.95
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EARTH-SHATTERING Bob Berman Hardbound 7915489 $5.95
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THE BURNING BLUE: The Untold Story of Christa McAuliffe and NASA's Challenger Disaster Kevin Cook Paperbound 7920377 $5.95
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NERVOUS SYSTEMS: Brain Science in the Early Cold War Andreas Killen Hardbound 7942176 Price cut to $5.95
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THE SEDUCTIONS OF DARWIN: Art, Evolution, Neuroscience Matthew Rampley Hardbound 7942591 $5.95
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THE SHORT STORY OF THE UNIVERSE Gemma Lavender Paperbound 7944594 $5.95
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FUTURE STORIES: What's Next? David Christian Hardbound 7947429 $5.95
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THE SLEEPING BEAUTIES: And Other Stories of Mystery Illness Suzanne O'Sullivan Hardbound 7948182 $5.95
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THE ASCENT OF INFORMATION: Books, Bits, Genes, Machines, and Life's Unending Algorithm Caleb Scharf Hardbound 7954026 Price cut to $5.95
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GENDER MOSAIC: Beyond the Myth of the Male and Female Brain D. Joel & L. Vikhanski Hardbound 7957645 $5.95
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THE PLANT HUNTER: A Scientist's Quest for Nature's Next Medicines Cassandra Leah Quave Paperbound 7957823 $5.95
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HOW MEDICINE WORKS AND WHEN IT DOESN'T: Learning Who to Trust to Get and Stay Healthy F. Perry Wilson Hardbound 7958714 $5.95
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THE LAST UNKNOWNS Edited by John Brockman Paperbound 7958765 $5.95
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ENGINEERING MADE SIMPLE: A Complete Guide in Ten Easy Lessons M. McRae & J. Berliner Hardbound 7965826 $5.95
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SPACEFLIGHT: A Concise History Michael J. Neufeld Paperbound 7966970 $5.95
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THE PHYSICS: Writings on Natural Philosophy Aristotle Paperbound 7970722 $5.95
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QUANTUM THEORY N. Bohr & M. Planck Paperbound 7970749 $5.95
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EXTRA LIFE: A Short History of Living Longer Steven Johnson Hardbound 7971605 $5.95
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THE FLORIDA NIGHT SKY: A Guide to Observing from Dusk Till Dawn Elinore De Wire Paperbound 7977573 $5.95
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STEPHEN HAWKING: His Science in a Nutshell Florian Freistetter Hardbound 7977913 $5.95
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THE WHOLE STORY OF CLIMATE: What Science Reveals About the Nature of Endless Change E. Kirsten Peters Paperbound 7978014 $5.95
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MOST WANTED PARTICLE: The Inside Story of the Hunt for the Higgs, the Heart of the Future of Physics Jon Butterworth Paperbound 7980221 $5.95
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AT LEAST KNOW THIS: Essential Science to Enhance Your Life Guy P. Harrison Paperbound 7983255 $5.95
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EXPRESSLY HUMAN: Decoding the Language of Emotion M. Changizi & T. Barber Paperbound 7986491 $5.95
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UNIDENTIFIABLE FLYING OBJECTS: The Dwindling Probability of Solving the UFO Enigma J. Hofer & D. Barker Paperbound 7997019 $5.95
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