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THE NEXT CIVIL WAR: Dispatches from the American Future Stephen Marche Hardbound 4995627 $5.95
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APOCALYPSE ANY DAY NOW: Deep Underground with America's Doomsday Preppers Tea Krulos Paperbound 7999933 $5.95
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HOW TO SURVIVE A PLAGUE Blu-ray 7902255 $4.95
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SANDY HOOK: An American Tragedy and the Battle for Truth Elizabeth Williamson Hardbound 6080766 $5.95
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ACTIVELY UNWOKE: The Ultimate Guide for Fighting Back Against the Woke Insanity in Your Life Karlyn Borysenko Hardbound 7880898 $6.95
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STUFF THEY DON'T WANT YOU TO KNOW Ben Bowlin et al Hardbound 7863594 $7.95
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THE LEFT STUFF: How the Left-Handed Have Survived and Thrived in a Right-Handed World Melissa Roth Hardbound 7837194 $5.95
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CHRISTMAS: A Biography Judith Flanders Hardbound 7885032 $5.95
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YOU'VE BEEN PLAYED: How Corporations, Governments, and Schools Use Games to Control Us All Adrian Hon Hardbound 7917007 $6.95
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BARRED: Why the Innocent Can't Get Out of Prison Daniel S. Medwed Hardbound 7914717 $6.95
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THE 9.9 PERCENT: The New Aristocracy That Is Entrenching Inequality and Warping Our Culture Matthew Stewart Hardbound 1125834 $5.95
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POCKETS: An Intimate History of How We Keep Things Close Hannah Carlson Hardbound 6082556 $7.95
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THE TRIBES OF BURNING MAN: How an Experimental City in the Desert Is Shaping the New American Counterculture Steven T. Jones Paperbound 800000X $5.95
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HILLBILLY ELEGY: A Memoir of a Family and Culture in Crisis J.D. Vance Paperbound 7771851 $5.95
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LOVE AND LET DIE: James Bond, the Beatles, and the British Psyche John Higgs Hardbound 1044036 $9.95
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THERE ARE NO ACCIDENTS: The Deadly Rise of Injury and Disaster--Who Profits and Who Pays the Price Jessie Singer Hardbound 4991575 $5.95
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SUPERCITIES ON, UNDER, AND BEYOND THE EARTH: Housing, Feeding, Powering, and Transporting the Urban Crowds of the Future Jeff Dondero Hardbound 7849583 $7.95
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SLAB CITY: Dispatches from the Last Free Place Charlie Hailey, photos by D. Wylie Hardbound 5871182 $11.95
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BY HANDS NOW KNOWN: Jim Crow's Legal Executioners Margaret A. Burnham Hardbound 1041134 $7.95
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THE DELUSIONS OF CROWDS: Why People Go Mad in Groups William J. Bernstein Hardbound 7865945 $7.95
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BERLIN NOW: The City After the Wall Peter Schneider Paperbound 7998880 $6.95
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THE OVERLOOKED AMERICANS: The Resilience of Our Rural Towns and What It Means for Our Country Elizabeth Currid-Halkett Hardbound 7998619 $9.95
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LUMBERJACK: The History, the Lore, the Life Lauren Jarvis Hardbound 787488X $6.95
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AFTER THE IVORY TOWER FALLS: How College Broke the American Dream and Blew Up Our Politics--and How to Fix It Will Bunch Hardbound 7898657 $6.95
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NINE NASTY WORDS: English in the Gutter--Then, Now, and Forever John McWhorter Hardbound 7948069 $5.95
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WHAT THE DOG SAW AND OTHER ADVENTURES Malcolm Gladwell Paperbound 7971982 $5.95
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HOW TO START YOUR OWN SECRET SOCIETY Nick Harding Paperbound 1247026 $6.95
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LOVE ME DVD 1976729 $3.95
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THE LIFE-CHANGING SCIENCE OF DETECTING BULLSHIT John V. Petrocelli Hardbound 4986997 $6.95
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HOW CHANGE HAPPENS Cass R. Sunstein Hardbound 104401X $5.95
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TEENAGE: The Creation of Youth, 1875-1945 Jon Savage Paperbound 4998782 $5.95
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POISONED: The True Story of the Deadly E. Coli Outbreak That Changed the Way Americans Eat Jeff Benedict Paperbound 1175289 $5.95
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SURVEILLANCE STATE: Inside China's Quest to Launch a New Era of Social Control J. Chin & L. Lin Hardbound 7830777 $6.95
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SCHOOL LUNCH: Unpacking Our Shared Stories Lucy Schaeffer Hardbound 7848374 Price cut to $3.95
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BIRTH, DEATH, AND A TRACTOR Kelly Payson-Roopchand Hardbound 7849117 $5.95
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SOUTH TO AMERICA: A Journey Below the Mason-Dixon to Understand the Soul of a Nation Imani Perry Paperbound 7911238 $5.95
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WORD PLAY: What Happens When People Talk Peter Farb Paperbound 7931166 $6.95
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BUNKER: Building for the End Times Bradley Garrett Hardbound 1987763 $5.95
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THE GROWTH DELUSION: Wealth, Poverty, and the Well-Being of Nations David Pilling Hardbound 3862933 $5.95
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DEFUND FEAR: Safety Without Policing, Prisons, and Punishment Zach Norris Paperbound 7877528 $5.95
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OUR CLASS: Trauma and Transformation in an American Prison Chris Hedges Paperbound 7915101 $5.95
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ALL THE LIVING AND THE DEAD Hayley Campbell Paperbound 7952716 $14.95
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CITIES OF POWER: The Urban, the National, the Popular, the Global Goran Therborn Paperbound 1038451 $7.95
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DEVIANCE AND PSYCHOPATHOLOGY: The Sociology and Psychology of Outsiders Robert Endleman Hardbound 194178X $6.95
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BREAKING THE SILENCE: My Amish Story DVD 7819315 $11.95
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EVIDENCE OF THINGS SEEN: True Crime in an Era of Reckoning Sarah Weinman Paperbound 1041665 $5.95
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THE HUMAN NETWORK: How Your Social Position Determines Your Power, Beliefs, and Behaviors Matthew O. Jackson Hardbound 4805836 $5.95
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THIS IS EAR HUSTLE: Unflinching Stories of Everyday Prison Life N. Poor & E. Woods Hardbound 4883470 $13.95
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HUNGOVER: The Morning After and One Man's Quest for a Cure Shaughnessy Bishop-Stall Hardbound 4893255 $2.95
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NERD: Adventures in Fandom from This Universe to the Multiverse Maya Phillips Paperbound 6994245 $5.95
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THE SENSITIVES: The Rise of Environmental Illness and the Search for America's Last Pure Place Oliver Broudy Paperbound 7691610 $3.95
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THE ADDRESS BOOK: What Street Addresses Reveal About Identity, Race, Wealth, and Power Deirdre Mask Hardbound 7737033 $4.95
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WE HAVE NEVER BEEN MIDDLE CLASS Hadas Weiss Hardbound 7786522 Price cut to $4.95
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BUTTON POWER C. Carter & T. Hake Hardbound 7801386 $9.95
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TIGHTROPE: Americans Reaching for Hope N.D. Kristof & S. WuDunn Hardbound 7825285 $2.95
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THE LONELY CENTURY: How to Restore Human Connection in a World That's Pulling Apart Noreena Hertz Hardbound 7842694 $3.95
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AMERICAN FATHERHOOD: A History Jurgen Martschukat Hardbound 7871341 $3.95
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8 BILLION AND COUNTING: How Sex, Death, and Migration Shape Our World Jennifer D. Sciubba Hardbound 1913786 $9.95
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THE SENIOR COHOUSING HANDBOOK, SECOND EDITION Charles Durrett Paperbound 1930095 $11.95
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THE POWER OF STRANGERS: The Benefits of Connecting in a Suspicious World Joe Keohane Hardbound 1998358 $5.95
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DELAYED RESPONSE: The Art of Waiting from the Ancient to the Instant World Jason Farman Hardbound 3950700 $5.95
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NO MORE WORK: Why Full Employment Is a Bad Idea James Livingston Hardbound 4967488 $7.95
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THERE PLANT EYES: A Personal and Cultural History of Blindness M. Leona Godin Paperbound 7718179 $5.95
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PLAGUES AND THEIR AFTERMATH: How Societies Recover from Pandemics Brian Michael Jenkins Paperbound 7721781 $5.95
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THE MEAT PARADOX: Eating, Empathy, and the Future of Meat Rob Percival Hardbound 7756739 $3.95
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CONSPIRACIST MANIFESTO Paperbound 7867123 $12.95
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HOW TO END INJUSTICE EVERYWHERE Melanie Joy Paperbound 7909284 $11.95
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PESTS: How Humans Create Animal Villains Bethany Brookshire Hardbound 7884613 Price cut to $3.95
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DREAM HOARDERS Richard V. Reeves Paperbound 1173502 $12.95
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ANTI-VAXXERS: How to Challenge a Misinformed Movement Jonathan M. Berman Paperbound 1956779 $7.95
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IN THE SHADOW OF THE GODS: The Emperor in World History Dominic Lieven Hardbound 1968688 $14.95
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THERE PLANT EYES: A Personal and Cultural History of Blindness M. Leona Godin Hardbound 6996639 $5.95
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LATITUDE OF HOME: A Storytelling Journey Sally Russell Hardbound 7803656 Price cut to $1.95
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SOCIAL CHEMISTRY: Decoding the Patterns of Human Connection Marissa King Hardbound 7879695 $5.95
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TRIGGER POINTS: Inside the Mission to Stop Mass Shootings in America Mark Follman Hardbound 788477X $7.95
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MYSTERY: A Seduction, a Strategy, a Solution Jonah Lehrer Hardbound 7922965 $5.95
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MODERN SLAVERY Guido Cuyvers Hardbound 7967268 $24.95
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RAISING LAZARUS: Hope, Justice, and the Future of America's Overdose Crisis Beth Macy Paperbound 7992084 $5.95
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UNWANTED ADVANCES: Sexual Paranoia Comes to Campus Laura Kipnis Paperbound 7786492 $3.95
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TWINKIND: The Singular Significance of Twins William Viney Hardbound 7991266 $27.95
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DOMESTIC EXTREMIST: A Practical Guide to Winning the Culture War Peachy Keenan Paperbound 6081649 $12.95
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THE PERENNIALS: The Megatrends Creating a Postgenerational Society Mauro F. Guillen Hardbound 6993303 $6.95
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THE WAY WE WED: A Global History of Wedding Fashion Kimberly Chrisman-Campbell Hardbound 7677820 $7.95
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FAULT LINES: The Social Justice Movement and Evangelicalism's Looming Catastrophe Voddie T. Baucham Jr Paperbound 7681593 $12.95
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THE DEATH DRIVE: Why Societies Self-Destruct Niklash Hageback Paperbound 7710089 $11.95
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BUTTS: A Backstory Heather Radke Hardbound 7759657 Price cut to $7.95
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KNOWING WHAT WE KNOW: The Transmission of Knowledge, from Ancient Wisdom to Modern Magic Simon Winchester Paperbound 7850867 $24.95
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FURRY PLANET: A World Gone Wild Joe Strike Hardbound 7897669 $19.95
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THOSE WE THROW AWAY ARE DIAMONDS: A Refugee's Search for Home Mondiant Dogon with J. Krajeski Paperbound 7920202 $5.95
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THE BIG 100: The New World of Super-Aging William J. Kole Hardbound 7938152 Price cut to $17.95
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THE CITY THAT KILLED THE PRESIDENT, VOLUME ONE: A Cultural History of Dallas & the Assassination Tim Cloward Hardbound 7967292 $21.95
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KILLER LOOKS: The Forgotten History of Plastic Surgery in Prisons Zara Stone Hardbound 4871049 $9.95
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THE TRILLION DOLLAR SILENCER: Why There Is So Little Anti-War Protest in the United States Joan Roelofs Paperbound 777432X $17.95
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MERITS OF THE PLAGUE Ibn Hajar al-Asqalani Paperbound 7817231 $7.95
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THE VIRAL UNDERCLASS: The Human Toll When Inequality and Disease Collide Steven W. Thrasher Hardbound 784770X Price cut to $2.95
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AM I NORMAL? The 200-Year Search for Normal People (and Why They Don't Exist) Sarah Chaney Paperbound 7988087 $12.95
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THE QUICK FIX: Why Fad Psychology Can't Cure Our Social Ills Jesse Singal Paperbound 1917722 $5.95
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ROGUES: True Stories of Grifters, Killers, Rebels and Crooks Patrick Radden Keefe Hardbound 1982249 Price cut to $5.95
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A FIELD GUIDE TO THE APOCALYPSE: A Mostly Serious Guide to Surviving Our Wild Times Athena Aktipis Paperbound 6996280 $12.95
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