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MACARTHUR'S SPIES: The Soldier, the Singer, and the Spymaster Who Defied the Japanese in World War II Peter Eisner Hardbound 4990447 $5.95
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CHURCHILL'S BAND OF BROTHERS: WWII's Most Daring D-Day Mission and the Hunt to Take Down Hitler's Fugitive War Criminals Damien Lewis Paperbound 4999053 $6.95
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NAZI SEX SPIES: True Stories of Seduction, Subterfuge and State Secrets Al Cimino Paperbound 1919261 $3.95
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THE PRINCESS SPY: The True Story of World War II Spy Aline Griffith, Countess of Romanones Larry Loftis Paperbound 7778791 $5.95
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SLEEPER AGENT: The Atomic Spy in America Who Got Away Ann Hagedorn Hardbound 7942249 $6.95
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WAR OF SHADOWS: Codebreakers, Spies, and the Secret Struggle to Drive the Nazis from the Middle East Gershom Gorenberg Hardbound 4894464 $5.95
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THE LIAR: How a Double Agent in the CIA Became the Cold War's Last Honest Man Benjamin Cunningham Hardbound 5730015 $6.95
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AGENTS OF INFLUENCE: A British Campaign, a Canadian Spy, and the Secret Plot to Bring America into World War II Henry Hemming Paperbound 7998848 $5.95
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THE RESISTANCE: The French Fight Against the Nazis Matthew Cobb Paperbound 7983964 $7.95
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A GUEST OF THE REICH Peter Finn Hardbound 4833333 $6.95
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THE PRINCESS SPY: The True Story of World War II Spy Aline Griffith, Countess of Romanones Larry Loftis Hardbound 7920024 $5.95
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SISTERS IN RESISTANCE: How a German Spy, a Banker's Wife, and Mussolini's Daughter Outwitted the Nazis Tilar J. Mazzeo Hardbound 7957939 $6.95
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THE SPY IN HITLER'S INNER CIRCLE: Hans-Thilo Schmidt and the Intelligence Network That Decoded Enigma Paul Paillole Hardbound 7827318 $6.95
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DARK INVASION: 1915--Germany's Secret War and the Hunt for the First Terrorist Cell in America Howard Blum Hardbound 7856369 $5.95
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RETURN TO THE REICH: A Holocaust Refugee's Secret Mission to Defeat the Nazis Eric Lichtblau Hardbound 7697651 $4.95
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DARING MISSIONS OF WORLD WAR II William B. Breuer Hardbound 4799771 $5.95
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NEED TO KNOW: World War II and the Rise of American Intelligence Nicholas Reynolds Hardbound 7847351 $9.95
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TREACHEROUS PASSAGE: Germany's Secret Plot Against the United States in Mexico During World War I Bill Mills Hardbound 480676X $6.95
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VANGUARD: The True Stories of the Reconnaissance and Intelligence Missions Behind D-Day David Abrutat Hardbound 7958250 $15.95
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CONSPIRACY OF ONE: Tyler Kent's Secret Plot Against FDR, Churchill, and the Allied War Effort Peter Rand Hardbound 7850301 $5.95
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THE SABOTEUR: The Aristocrat Who Became France's Most Daring Anti-Nazi Commando Paul Kix Hardbound 7850573 $5.95
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CASHING OUT: The Flight of Nazi Treasure, 1945-1948 Neill Lochery Hardbound 7955561 $21.95
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AUSTRALIAN CODE BREAKERS James Phelps Paperbound 4704711 $14.95
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THE TRAITOR OF COLDITZ: The Untold World War II Story of an MI9 Double Agent and Britain's Unlikeliest Hero Robert Verkaik Hardbound 7703708 $17.95
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WAR OF SHADOWS: Codebreakers, Spies, and the Secret Struggle to Drive the Nazis from the Middle East Gershom Gorenberg Paperbound 7736770 $7.95
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WOMEN IN INTELLIGENCE: The Hidden History of Two World Wars Helen Fry Hardbound 7937555 $27.95
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MISSION FRANCE: The True History of the Women of Soe Kate Vigurs Paperbound 1974300 $14.95
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JOURNEY TO PEKING: A Secret Agent in Wartime China Dan Pinck Paperbound 3845745 $9.95
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COFFEE WITH HITLER: The Untold Story of the Amateur Spies Who Tried to Civilize the Nazis Charles Spicer Hardbound 6065309 $9.95
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UNEARTHING CHURCHILL'S SECRET ARMY: The Official List of SOE Casualties and Their Stories J. Grehan & M. Mace Hardbound 607880X $6.95
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THE RUSSIAN AGENT: A Secret Mission to Penetrate the Russian Liberation Army Franz Taut Hardbound 6079431 $5.95
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SECRET SERVICE AGAINST THE NAZI REGIME: How Our Spies Dealt with Hitler Edward Harrison Hardbound 6079490 $5.95
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CRACKING THE NAZI CODE: The Untold Story of Agent A12 and the Solving of the Holocaust Code Jason Bell Hardbound 6996728 $21.95
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CHURCHILL'S MINISTRY OF UNGENTLEMANLY WARFARE: The Mavericks Who Plotted Hitler's Defeat Giles Milton Hardbound 8056579 $6.95
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