Artist Biographies

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Title  Author Binding Item # Price  Info
MANET / DEGAS Stephan Wolohojian et al Hardbound 7929560 $54.95
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THE VISIONARY ART OF NICHOLAS ROERICH: A Messenger of Beauty Jacqueline Decter Hardbound 7925255 $47.95
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VAN GOGH IN AMERICA Edited by Jill Shaw Hardbound 7767196 $39.95
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MODIGLIANI: A Painter and His Art Dealer Edited by S. Fraquelli & C. Girardeau Hardbound 1191667 $29.95
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BARBARA HEPWORTH: Art & Life Eleanor Clayton Hardbound 4820754 $29.95
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SUSIE M. BARSTOW: Redefining the Hudson River School Nancy Siegel Hardbound 7823991 $29.95
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MINA LOY: Strangeness Is Inevitable Edited by Jennifer R. Gross Hardbound 7842171 Price cut to $29.95
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SURREALISTS IN NEW YORK Charles Darwent Hardbound 7979576 $26.95
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JOHN LESLIE BRECK: American Impressionist Jonathan Stuhlman Hardbound 4994027 $24.95
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WINSLOW HOMER: American Passage William R. Cross Hardbound 1928694 $14.95
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VAN GOGH'S FINALE: Auvers & the Artist's Rise to Fame Martin Bailey Hardbound 7790449 Price cut to $14.95
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PICASSO: A Cubist Commission in Brooklyn Anna Jozefacka with L. Rosati Hardbound 7929579 Price cut to $14.95
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VAN GOGH AND THE ARTISTS HE LOVED Steven Naifeh Hardbound 7771967 $12.95
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CALDER: The Conquest of Space--The Later Years, 1940-1976 Jed Perl Hardbound 1959247 $11.95
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VAN GOGH AND MUSIC: A Symphony in Blue and Yellow Natascha Veldhorst Hardbound 5783186 $11.95
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THE TWENTY FIRST CENTURY ART BOOK Jonathan Griffin et al Hardbound 7687087 $9.95
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THE ANDY WARHOL DIARIES Edited by Pat Hackett Paperbound 1999486 $6.95
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FRIDA IN AMERICA: The Creative Awakening of a Great Artist Celia Stahr Hardbound 5725909 $6.95
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JOHAN ZOFFANY: Artist and Adventurer Penelope Treadwell Paperbound 6065473 $5.95
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ANDY WARHOL: Life and Death DVD 7988451 $5.95
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AI WEIWEI: Never Sorry Blu-ray 7901690 $4.95
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COLORS OF CHARACTER DVD 7881258 Price cut to $3.95
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