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WORLDS WITHOUT END: Exoplanets, Habitability, and the Future of Humanity Chris Impey 7832869 $17.95
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WHY AM I TALLER? What Happens to an Astronaut's Body in Space D. Williams & E. Howell 7731019 $9.95
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WHITE HOLES Carlo Rovelli 7955111 $18.95
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WHEN THE HEAVENS WENT ON SALE: The Misfits and Geniuses Racing to Put Space Within Reach Ashlee Vance 798300X $9.95
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UNDER ALIEN SKIES: A Sightseer's Guide to the Universe Philip Plait 7840039 $17.95
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TO INFINITY AND BEYOND: A Journey of Cosmic Discovery N. deGrasse Tyson & L.N. Walker 7917414 $21.95
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THEORY OF STELLAR ATMOSPHERES: An Introduction to Astrophysical Non-equilibrium Quantitative Spectroscopic Analysis I. Hubeny & D. Mihalas 7796072 $34.95
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THE ZOOMABLE UNIVERSE: An Epic Tour Through Cosmic Scale, from Almost Everything to Nearly Nothing Caleb Scharf 8054525 $5.95
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THE ZOOLOGIST'S GUIDE TO THE GALAXY: What Animals on Earth Reveal About Aliens--and Ourselves Arik Kershenbaum 7847807 $6.95
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THE UNIVERSE: A Biography Paul Murdin 1935518 $19.95
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THE ULTIMATE ENGINEER: The Remarkable Life of NASA's Visionary Leader George M. Low Richard Jurek 4924215 $14.95
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THE TRANSITS OF VENUS W. Sheehan & J. Westfall 7995733 $16.95
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THE STORY OF THE UNIVERSE: A Journey Through Space and Time Anne Rooney 7934904 $6.95
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THE STAR BUILDERS: Nuclear Fusion and the Race to Power the Planet Arthur Turrell 7942257 $6.95
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THE SPACE SHUTTLE: A Mission-by-Mission Celebration of NASA's Extraordinary Spaceflight Program Roland Miller 789838X $39.95
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THE SPACE BUSINESS: From Hotels in Orbit to Mining the Moon--How Private Enterprise Is Transforming Space Andrew May 4942469 $12.95
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THE SOLAR SYSTEM: Exploring the Sun, Planets and Their Moons Robert Harvey 7745842 $17.95
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THE SOLAR SYSTEM IN MINUTES Giles Sparrow 4996348 $6.95
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THE SIX: The Untold Story of America's First Women Astronauts Loren Grush 6080839 $7.95
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THE SIRENS OF MARS: Searching for Life on Another World Sarah Stewart Johnson 7719590 $6.95
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THE SHORT STORY OF THE UNIVERSE Gemma Lavender 7944594 $5.95
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THE SECRET LIVES OF PLANETS: Order, Chaos, and Uniqueness in the Solar System Paul Murdin 7770456 $5.95
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THE SCIENCE OF SUBTLE ENERGY: The Healing Power of Dark Matter Yury Kronn with J. Kamp 1963635 $15.95
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THE SCIENCE OF SPIN: How Rotational Forces Affect Everything from Your Body to Jet Engines to the Weather Roland Ennos 7887264 $21.95
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THE SCIENCE OF CAN AND CAN'T: A Physicist's Journey Through the Land of Counterfactuals Chiara Marletto 782355X $7.95
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THE SCARS OF EDEN Paul Wallis 4871359 $11.95
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THE ROMANCE OF REALITY: How the Universe Organizes itself to Create Life, Consciousness, and Cosmic Complexity Bobby Azarian 7896581 $6.95
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THE RED PLANET: A Natural History of Mars Simon Morden 7797877 $6.95
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THE PLANETS: The Definitive Visual Guide to Our Solar System Edited by Christine Heilman 7790503 $17.95
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THE NIGHT SKY: An Astronomer's Guide to the Night Sky and the Universe Nigel Henbest 7972245 $11.95
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THE NEXT 500 YEARS: Engineering Life to Reach New Worlds Christopher E. Mason 7756771 $9.95
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THE NASA ARCHIVES Piers Bizony 7948972 $24.95
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THE MOON'S GALACTIC HISTORY: A Look at the Moon's Extraterrestrial Past and Its Connection to Earth Constance Victoria Briggs 7995873 $17.95
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THE MOON LANDINGS: One Giant Leap Colin Salter 4994094 $17.95
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THE MILKY WAY: An Autobiography of Our Galaxy Moiya McTier 6994210 $6.95
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THE LITTLE BOOK OF EXOPLANETS Joshua Winn 7872178 $18.95
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THE LITTLE BOOK OF ALIENS Adam Frank 7946368 $21.95
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THE INVISIBLE UNIVERSE: Why There's More to Reality Than Meets the Eye Matthew Bothwell 7781695 $13.95
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THE GREATEST STORY EVER TOLD--SO FAR: Why Are We Here? Lawrence M. Krauss 2928140 $6.95
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THE FUTURE OF GEOGRAPHY: How the Competition in Space Will Change Our World Tim Marshall 7963831 $21.95
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THE FLORIDA NIGHT SKY: A Guide to Observing from Dusk Till Dawn Elinore De Wire 7977573 $5.95
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THE EARTH IN OUR HANDS: Photos from the International Space Station Thomas Pesquet 796126X $33.95
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THE DREAM MACHINES: A Pictorial History of the Spaceship in Art, Science and Literature Ron Miller 7864299 $14.95
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THE COSMOS EXPLAINED: A History of the Universe from Its Beginnings to Today and Beyond Charles Liu 7940807 $7.95
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THE CONTACT PARADOX: Challenging Our Assumptions in the Search for Extraterrestrial Intelligence Keith Cooper 7726422 $6.95
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THE CASE FOR SPACE: How the Revolution in Spaceflight Opens Up a Future of Limitless Possibility Robert Zubrin 4919521 $13.95
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THE BURNING BLUE: The Untold Story of Christa McAuliffe and NASA's Challenger Disaster Kevin Cook 4955609 $6.95
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THE BURNING BLUE: The Untold Story of Christa McAuliffe and NASA's Challenger Disaster Kevin Cook 7920377 $5.95
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THE BIG BOOK OF MARS Marc Hartzman 7986890 $6.95
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THE ASTROCHIMPS: America's First Astronauts Dawn Cusick 8051151 $15.95
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THE ASTEROID HUNTER: A Scientist's Journey to the Dawn of Our Solar System Dante S. Lauretta 6075649 $21.95
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THE ART OF THE COSMOS: Visions from the Frontier of Deep Space Exploration Jim Bell 7982569 $11.95
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THE ALLURE OF THE MULTIVERSE: Extra Dimensions, Other Worlds, and Parallel Universes Paul Halpern 102728X $21.95
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SUN AND MOON: A Story of Astronomy, Photography and Cartography Mark Holborn 7959699 $41.95
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STARS: A Month-by-Month Tour of the Constellations Mike Lynch 6082300 $11.95
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STARS & PLANETS: Smithsonian Handbooks Ian Ridpath 4997492 $7.95
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STARGAZING: Pocket Nature Swapna Krishna 7897375 $9.95
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STAR SETTLERS: The Billionaires, Geniuses, and Crazed Visionaries Out to Conquer the Universe Fred Nadis 4755030 $6.95
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SPACESHIPS, SECOND EDITION: An Illustrated History of the Real and the Imagined Ron Miller et al 7787693 $31.95
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SPACEFLIGHT: A Concise History Michael J. Neufeld 7966970 $5.95
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SPACE SHUTTLE STORIES: Firsthand Astronaut Accounts from All 135 Missions Tom Jones 7955081 $29.95
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SPACE RACE 2.0: SpaceX, Blue Origin, Virgin Galactic, NASA, and the Privatization of the Final Frontier Brad Bergan 7731590 $19.95
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SPACE ODDITIES: Forgotten Stories of Mankind's Exploration of Space Joe Cuhaj 7698623 $12.95
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SPACE HARDWARE: Artifacts, Equipment, and Sites from the American Space Program John Gourley 7779623 $17.95
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SPACE FORCES: A Critical History of Life in Outer Space Fred Scharmen 7998066 $6.95
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SPACE EXPLORATION: A History in 100 Objects Sten Odenwald 7843089 $7.95
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SPACE AGE ADVENTURES: Over 100 Terrestrial Sites and Out of This World Stories Mike Bezemek 7847858 $19.95
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SOLAR SYSTEM: A Visual Exploration of All the Planets, Moons, and Other Heavenly Bodies That Orbit Our Sun Marcus Chown 7951213 $14.95
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SOLAR ECLIPSES 2024-2027: Where & When to Experience Totality Sheridan Williams Fras 7851030 $9.95
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SEASONS OF THE MOON: Folk Names and Lore of the Full Moon Michael Carabetta 1920030 $6.95
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ROCKET AGE: The Race to the Moon and What It Took to Get There George D. Morgan 1907727 $5.95
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QUANTUM FUZZ: The Strange True Makeup of Everything Around Us Michael S. Walker 7790716 $17.95
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PROPERTIES OF GALACTIC CARBON STARS Zenta Karlovna Alksne et al 194200X $7.95
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PHOTOGRAPHING THE DEEP SKY: Images in Space and Time Chris Baker 7861613 $9.95
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PHOTOGRAPHING AMERICA'S FIRST ASTRONAUTS: Project Mercury Through the Lens of Bill Taub J.L. Pickering & J. Bisney 7832109 Price cut to $31.95
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OUR MOON: How Earth's Celestial Companion Transformed the Planet, Guided Evolution, and Made Us Who We Are Rebecca Boyle 800806X $21.95
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ON THE ORIGIN OF TIME: Stephen Hawking's Final Theory Thomas Hertog 5403480 $14.95
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ON THE ORIGIN OF TIME: Stephen Hawking's Final Theory Thomas Hertog 7830122 $21.95
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OBSERVING OUR SOLAR SYSTEM: A Beginner's Guide Tom Kerss 7769954 $9.95
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NOT NECESSARILY ROCKET SCIENCE: A Beginner's Guide to Life in the Space Age Kellie Gerardi 7802994 $4.95
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NORTH: The Rise & Fall of the Polar Cosmos Gyrus 1956833 $3.95
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NIGHT SKY ATLAS, THIRD EDITION: The Moon, Planet, Stars and Deep-Sky Objects Robin Scagell 7961472 $6.95
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NASA SPACE SHUTTLE, 40TH ANNIVERSARY Piers Bizony 7915691 $11.95
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MOONBOUND: Apollo 11 and the Dream of Spaceflight Jonathan Fetter-Vorm 4723538 $4.95
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MOON: Owners' Workshop Manual David M. Harland 4907108 $9.95
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MOON PHASES: Use the Lunar Cycle to Connect with Nature and Focus Your Intentions Cecilia Lattari 1132202 $6.95
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METEORITE: How Stones from Outer Space Made Our World Tim Gregory 496179X $7.95
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MERCURY RISING: John Glenn, John Kennedy, and the New Battleground of the Cold War Jeff Shesol 1968262 $7.95
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MARS: The Missions That Have Transformed Our Understanding of the Red Planet Rod Pyle 7808445 $7.95
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MAPPING THE PLANETS: Discovering the Worlds Beyond Our Own Anne Rooney 4763823 $7.95
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MAKING CONTACT: Jill Tarter and the Search for Extraterrestrial Intelligence Sarah Scoles 7881762 $5.95
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INTERSTELLAR: The Search for Extraterrestrial Life and Our Future in the Stars Avi Loeb 6081487 $6.95
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INSIDE THE STAR FACTORY: The Creation of the James Webb Space Telescope, NASA's Largest and Most Powerful Space Observatory Christopher Wanjek, photos by C. Gunn 8058539 $34.95
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INFINITE WONDER: An Astronaut's Photographs from a Year in Space Scott Kelly 7759401 $9.95
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IMPACT: How Rocks from Space Led to Life, Culture, and Donkey Kong Greg Brennecka 7720025 $7.95
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HUBBLE'S UNIVERSE, 2ND EDITION: Greatest Discoveries and Latest Images Terence Dickinson 7961308 $33.95
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HUBBLE IN SPACE: NASA Images of Planets, Stars, Galaxies, Nebulae, Black Holes, Dark Matter & More Edited by B.A. Lynch-Johnt & B. Alesse 6853951 $17.95
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HOW TO ASTRONAUT: An Insider's Guide to Leaving Planet Earth Terry Virts 1981099 $9.95
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