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ESCALANTE'S DREAM: On the Trail of the Spanish Discovery of the Southwest David Roberts 4953878 $5.95
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TRUE RAIDERS: The Untold Story of the 1909 Expedition to Find the Legendary Ark of the Covenant Brad Ricca 7905238 $5.95
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ENDURANCE: Shackleton's Incredible Voyage Alfred Lansing 796661X $5.95
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EPIC EXPEDITIONS: 25 Great Explorations into the Unknown Ed Stafford 7982267 $5.95
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PRAIRIE FEVER: British Aristocrats in the American West 1830-1890 Peter Pagnamenta 1947567 $6.95
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LABYRINTH OF ICE: The Triumphant and Tragic Greely Polar Expedition Buddy Levy 7907796 $6.95
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LATITUDE: The True Story of the World's First Scientific Expedition Nicholas Crane 7719310 $7.95
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1865: The Golden Age of Mountaineering Gilles Modica 7782780 Price cut to $7.95
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OF CANNIBALS AND KINGS: Primal Anthropology in the Americas Neil L. Whitehead 7942524 $7.95
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TRUE RAIDERS: The Untold Story of the 1909 Expedition to Find the Legendary Ark of the Convenant Brad Ricca 1958488 $9.95
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SNOW WIDOWS: Scott's Fatal Antarctic Expedition Through the Eyes of the Women They Left Behind Katherine MacInnes 4998758 $9.95
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THE EVOLUTION OF CHARLES DARWIN: The Epic Voyage of the Beagle That Forever Changed Our View of Life on Earth Diana Preston 7848951 $9.95
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ENDLESS NOVELTIES OF EXTRAORDINARY INTEREST: The Voyage of H.M.S. Challenger and the Birth of Modern Oceanography Doug Macdougall 1981013 $11.95
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THE SEA JOURNAL: Seafarers' Sketchbooks Huw Lewis-Jones 7701241 $16.95
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TEMPLARS IN AMERICA: The Secret Legacy of Voyages to America Before Columbus T. Wallace-Murphy & M. Hopkins 7851685 $16.95
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THE JERUSALEM FILES: The Secret Journey of the Menorah to Oak Island C. Mol & C. Morford 1191616 $17.95
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THE MAGNETISM OF ANTARCTICA: The Ross Expedition 1839-1843 John Knight 7822944 $17.95
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OUT THERE: The Batshit Antics of the World's Great Explorers Peter Rowe 7967683 $18.95
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FALLEN: George Mallory and the Tragic 1924 Everest Expedition Mick Conefrey 2533901 $21.95
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INTO THE GREAT EMPTINESS: Peril and Survival on the Greenland Ice Cap David Roberts 6075215 $21.95
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AMERICAN VIKINGS: How the Norse Sailed into the Lands and Imaginations of America Martyn Whittock 7943369 $21.95
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NORTHERN LIGHTS: A History of the Arctic Scots Edward J. Cowan 120758X $23.95
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THE WIDE WIDE SEA: Imperial Ambition, First Contact and the Fateful Final Voyage of Captain James Cook Hampton Sides 6999328 $26.95
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THE SHIP BENEATH THE ICE: The Discovery of Shackleton's Endurance Mensun Bound 7806086 $26.95
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THE EXPLORER AND THE JOURNALIST: Frederick Cook, Philip Gibbs and the Scandal That Shocked the World Richard Evans 7958285 $26.95
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