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THE PATIENT HAS THE FLOOR Alistair Cooke 7943008 $6.95
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IN THE SHADOWS OF THE MORNING: Essays on Wild Lands, Wild Waters, and a Few Untamed People Philip Caputo 7978219 $5.95
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THE PATCH John McPhee 7769547 $3.95
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ARGUABLY Christopher Hitchens 7700083 $5.95
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JANE AUSTEN'S SANDITON Janet Todd 6998828 $5.95
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A KIDNAPPED WEST: The Tragedy of Central Europe Milan Kundera 606549X $7.95
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BURNING QUESTIONS: Essays and Occasional Pieces 2004 to 2021 Margaret Atwood 1998064 $7.95
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VIROLOGY: Essays for the Living, the Dead, and the Small Things in Between Joseph Osmundson 1968319 $3.95
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THE BAD SIDE OF BOOKS: Selected Essays of D.H. Lawrence 7951655 $9.95
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21ST CENTURY MAHAN, REVISED: Sound Military Conclusions for the Modern Era Edited by Benjamin F. Armstrong 795493X $19.95
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WHAT SHE ATE: Six Remarkable Women & the Food That Tells Their Stories Laura Shapiro 4928024 $4.95
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THE GREAT TAOS BANK ROBBERY: And Other True Stories Tony Hillerman 7934688 $15.95
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THE BOOKSHOP BOOK Jen Campbell 7778996 $12.95
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SAY IT LOUD! On Race, Law, History, and Culture Randall Kennedy 7753969 $6.95
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IDEALS CHRISTMAS 2023 Edited by Patricia A. Pingy 7931956 $11.95
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ESSAYS ONE Lydia Davis 7769253 $5.95
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HOGS WILD: Selected Reporting Pieces Ian Frazier 7769318 $5.95
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MANTEL PIECES Hilary Mantel 4912616 $9.95
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THE BOOK OF DELIGHTS Ross Gay 7904754 $5.95
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ON ANIMALS Susan Orlean 1977253 $5.95
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THE BOOK OF NONEXISTENT WORDS Stefano Massini 1986139 $5.95
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CLOSER TO FREEDOM: Poetry & Prose from Maximum Security Edited by Chris Belden 7912153 Price cut to $11.95
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WHAT DO I KNOW? Essential Essays Michel de Montaigne 7943261 Price cut to $14.95
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INDELIBLE IN THE HIPPOCAMPUS: Writings from the Me Too Movement Edited by Shelly Oria 3975150 $7.95
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WORLD BRAIN H.G. Wells 1472933 $5.95
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CLOUDLAND REVISITED S.J. Perelman 1512749 $11.95
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PANDEXICON: How the Language of the Pandemic Defined Our New Cultural Reality Wayne Grady 780167X $11.95
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