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A COMPANION GUIDE TO THE GOSPEL OF THOMAS: A Journey to Inner Presence, Self-Understanding and Fullness of Personal Expression Christine Folan 1998544 $21.95
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SACRED NATURE: Restoring Our Ancient Bond with the Natural World Karen Armstrong 7714424 $21.95
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THE GNOSTIC PATH OF ST. THOMAS: Exploring the Heart of the Gospel Tau Malachi 7995334 $21.95
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BECOMING A GARMENT OF ISIS: A Nine-Stage Initiatory Path of Egyptian Spirituality Naomi Ozaniec 1944800 $19.95
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SPIRIT VOICES: The Mysteries and Magic of North Asian Shamanism David Shi 4993802 $19.95
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CREATE YOUR OWN RELIGION: A How-to Book Without Instructions Daniele Bolelli 1197215 $17.95
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PSYCHIC PERCEPTION: The Magic of Extrasensory Power Joseph Murphy 496716X $17.95
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TELEPSYCHICS: Using Your Hidden Subconscious Powers Joseph Murphy 4967194 $17.95
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THE GNOSTIC GOSPEL OF ST. THOMAS: Meditations on the Mystical Teachings Tau Malachi 5229723 $17.95
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WOKE JESUS: The False Messiah Destroying Christianity Lucas Miles 7855524 $17.95
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THE GODDESS DISCOVERED: Exploring the Divine Feminine Around the World Shelley A. Kaehr 7995342 $17.95
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REASON AND REVELATION: Scholarly Writings About the Urantia Book Edited by Byron Belitsos 5406838 $16.95
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SHAMANISM: In Focus Tracie Long 4697529 $14.95
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SECRETS OF GREEK MYSTICISM: A Modern Guide to Daily Practice with the Greek Gods and Goddesses George Lizos 4992423 $14.95
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THE MYSTIC'S PATH HOME: Teachings of the Ascended Masters Elizabeth Clare Prophet 7843224 $14.95
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COSMIC HABIT FORCE: How to Discover and Use Nature's Superpower Mitch Horowitz 7869657 $14.95
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KARMA & REINCARNATION IN THE ANIMAL KINGDOM: The Spiritual Origin of Species David Barreto 7925239 $14.95
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THE CAULDRON AND THE DRUM: A Journey into Celtic Shamanism Rhonda McCrimmon 7995539 $14.95
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A NEW SCIENCE OF THE AFTERLIFE: Space, Time, and the Consciousness Code Daniel Drasin 7870817 $13.95
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ANGEL ABUNDANCE: Revelations on True Wealth from the 12 Archangels Belinda J. Womack 7879334 $13.95
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THE HIDDEN GOSPEL: Decoding the Spiritual Message of the Aramaic Jesus Neil Douglas-Klotz 1197428 $12.95
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JUNG AND THE LOST GOSPELS: Insights into the Dead Sea Scrolls and the Nag Hammadi Library Stephan A. Hoeller 1198181 $12.95
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AWAKENING THE ANCIENT POWER OF SNAKE: Transformation, Healing & Enlightenment Dawn Baumann Brunke 4853210 $12.95
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OUR SPIRITUAL DNA: Twelve Ascended Masters and the Evidence for Our Divine Ancestry Carmel Niland 4935667 $12.95
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THE WOMEN WHO LOVED JESUS: The Untold Story of the Women's Evangelistic Corps Donna D'Ingillo 4993861 $12.95
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STAFF OF LAUREL, STAFF OF ASH: Sacred Landscapes in Ancient Nature Myth Dianna Rhyan 7851057 $12.95
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THE THUNDER, PERFECT MIND: Voice of the Divine Feminine Lee Lozowick 7868723 $12.95
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WILD GUIDE: Central England Nikki Squires et al 3944042 $11.95
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CONVERSATIONS WITH BLOB: A Guide to Spiritual Living in a World Gone Mad Lana Penrose 7746407 $11.95
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GOD INTERROGATED: Reinterpreting the Divine Lynne Renoir 781979X $11.95
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A HEALER'S JOURNEY TO INTUITIVE KNOWING: The Heart of Therapeutic Touch Dolores Krieger 4935578 $9.95
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LIVE NOT BY LIES: A Manual for Christian Dissidents Rod Dreher 7734131 $9.95
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SHADOW ANIMALS: How Animals We Fear Can Help Us Heal, Transform, and Awaken Dawn Baumann Brunke 7748590 $9.95
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THE KABBALAH OF WRITING: Mystical Practices for Inspiration and Creativity Sherri Mandell 7786840 $9.95
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ANGEL NUMBERS FOR BEGINNERS: An Introduction to Decoding Messages & Journal for Tracking Sequences Karen Frazier 7854382 $9.95
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THE WISDOM OF DR. DAVID R. HAWKINS: Classic Teachings on Spiritual Truth and Enlightenment 195248X $7.95
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ANGEL NUMBERS: The Message and Meaning Behind 11:11 and Other Number Sequences Kyle Gray 3793613 $7.95
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NAMASTE BLESSINGS: I Honor the Spirit in You, Which Is Also in Me Toni Carmine Salerno 4906136 $7.95
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LOVE, GOD & EVERYTHING: Awakening from the Long, Dark Night of the Collective Soul Nicoyla Christi 4908570 $7.95
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STRANGE RITES: New Religions for a Godless World Tara Isabella Burton 4950747 $7.95
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THE FLOWERING WAND: Rewilding the Sacred Masculine Sophie Strand 7759509 $7.95
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IN THE WORLD, BUT NOT OF IT: Transforming Everyday Experience into a Spiritual Path David R. Hawkins 782162X $7.95
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SECRETS OF SHAMANISM: Tapping the Spirit Power Within You Jose & Lena S. Stevens 1129465 $6.95
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STRANGE RITES: New Religions for a Godless World Tara Isabella Burton 1910434 $6.95
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THE COMPASSION REVOLUTION: 30 Days of Living from the Heart Amy Leigh Mercree 6615899 $6.95
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THE LAW OF CYCLES: Finding Your Rhythmic Inner Peace Elizabeth Clare Prophet 1969366 $5.95
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A LITTLE BIT OF GODDESS Amy Leigh Mercree 3758591 $5.95
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CELTIC MYSTICISM: A Spiritual Guide to the Wisdom of the Ancients Anthony Duncan 4993934 $5.95
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INTO THE MYSTIC: The Visionary and Ecstatic Roots of 1960s Rock and Roll Christopher Hill 6065465 $5.95
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SACRED MESSENGERS OF SHAMANIC AFRICA: Teachings from Zep Tepi, the Land of First Time C. Mattimore & L.S. Wolf 6065651 $5.95
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THE CHRIST MYSTERY: Reflections on the Second Coming Robert A. Powell 7891784 $5.95
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THE PSYCHEDELIC EXPERIENCE: A Manual Based on the Tibetan Book of the Dead Timothy Leary et al 7966946 $5.95
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SACRED RETREAT: Using Natural Cycles to Recharge Your Life Pia Orleane 574248X $4.95
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INDESTRUCTIBLE: Fight Your Spiritual Battles from the Winning Side Blake K. Healy 7707681 $4.95
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REVELATIONS OF THE RUBY CRYSTAL Barbara Hand Clow 7822413 Price cut to $4.95
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ANGELS: How to Connect with Heavenly Guardians of Light Emily Anderson 1986562 $3.95
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SHAMANISM: Spiritual Growth, Healing, Consciousness Christa Mackinnon 7697139 $3.95
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THE SHAMANIC POWERS OF ROLLING THUNDER Edited by S.M.S. Jones & S. Krippner 773607X $3.95
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CONQUER YOUR DELIVERANCE: How to Live a Life of Total Freedom John Ramirez 7750919 $3.95
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AGNOSTIC: A Spirited Manifesto Lesley Hazleton 7850166 $3.95
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THE VALEDICTION: Resurrection P. Fitzgerald & E. Gould 7678053 $2.95
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URANTIA: The Great Cult Mystery
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Martin Gardner 4999436 $13.95
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