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THE SHATTERING: America in the 1960s Kevin Boyle 7908857 $5.95
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FIRST PRINCIPLES: What America's Founders Learned from the Greeks and Romans and How That Shaped Our Country Thomas E. Ricks 4994647 $5.95
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ON THE FIRING LINE William F. Buckley, Jr 7942931 $7.95
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AMERICAN ANARCHY: The Epic Struggle Between Immigrant Radicals and the U.S. Government at the Dawn of the Twentieth Century Michael Willrich 8887055 $6.95
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THE FIELD OF BLOOD: Violence in Congress and the Road to Civil War Joanne B. Freeman 1395254 $6.95
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RANKING THE VICE PRESIDENTS: True Tales and Trivia, from John Adams to Joe Biden Ian Randal Strock 199266X $5.95
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THE LAST HONEST MAN: The CIA, the FBI, the Mafia, and the Kennedys--and One Senator's Fight to Save Democracy James & Thomas Risen 8741638 $16.95
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THE VIRGINIA DYNASTY: Four Presidents and the Creation of the American Nation Lynne Cheney 1959700 $7.95
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UNITING AMERICA: How FDR and Henry Stimson Brought Democrats and Republicans Together to Win World War II Peter Shinkle 7862547 $6.95
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CLASSIC SUPREME COURT CASES Edited by Corey Brettschneider 7869711 $9.95
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FRANKLIN & WASHINGTON: The Founding Partnership Edward J. Larson 199459X $5.95
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THE LIBERAL MIND IN A CONSERVATIVE AGE, SECOND EDITION: American Intellectuals in the 1940s and 1950s Richard H. Pells 4122593 $5.95
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JFK'S FORGOTTEN CRISIS: Tibet, the CIA, and the Sino-Indian War Bruce Riedel 1173634 $12.95
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A TIME OF CHANGE Harrison E. Salisbury 7943709 $9.95
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AMERICA'S SECRET HISTORY Steve Harris 4671910 $7.95
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THE BROKEN CONSTITUTION: Lincoln, Slavery, and the Refounding of America Noah Feldman 1965972 $7.95
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MANIPULATING THE MASSES: Woodrow Wilson and the Birth of American Propaganda John Maxwell Hamilton 1994808 $28.95
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THE FAILED PROMISE: Reconstruction, Frederick Douglass, and the Impeachment of Andrew Johnson Robert S. Levine 769864X $5.95
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THE LAST HONEST MAN: The CIA, the FBI, the Mafia, and the Kennedys--and One Senator's Fight to Save Democracy James & Thomas Risen 785093X $23.95
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THE DECLASSIFICATION ENGINE: What History Reveals About America's Top Secrets Matthew Connelly 1039091 $16.95
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INSIDE MONEY: Brown Brothers Harriman and the American Way of Power Zachary Karabell 7863292 $7.95
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CONSERVATISM: The Fight for a Tradition Edmund Fawcett 783019X Price cut to $7.95
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THE AMERICAN CHARACTER: Forty Lives That Define Our National Spirit Scott Ruesterholz 788091X $5.95
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LBJ'S AMERICA: The Life and Legacies of Lyndon Baines Johnson M.A. Lawrence & M.K. Updegrove 7961855 $21.95
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AGENTS OF REPRESSION: The FBI's Secret War Against the Black Panther Party and the American Indian Movement W. Churchill & J.V. Wall 1968351 $14.95
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MEDIOCRE: The Dangerous Legacy of White Male America Ijeoma Oluo 1979108 $6.95
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FIRST CASUALTY: The Untold Story of the CIA Mission to Avenge 9/11 Toby Harnden 7910959 Price cut to $7.95
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THE BISHOP AND THE BUTTERFLY: Murder, Politics, and the End of the Jazz Age Michael Wolraich 1178075 $21.95
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SIEGE AT THE STATEHOUSE: The 1879 Coup That Nearly Plunged Maine into Civil War Mac Smith 1974548 $14.95
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UP IN ARMS John Temple 3013693 $9.95
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A REPUBLIC OF SCOUNDRELS: The Schemers, Intriguers & Adventurers Who Created a New American Nation Edited by D. Head & T.C. Hemmis 7976690 $23.95
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LINCOLN'S LAST TRIAL: The Murder Case That Propelled Him to the Presidency D. Abrams & D. Fisher 8898596 $4.95
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AN UNLIKELY TRUST: Theodore Roosevelt, J.P. Morgan, and the Improbable Partnership That Remade American Business Gerard Helferich 9003096 $4.95
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