Adventurers & Explorers

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WOLF GIRL: Finding Myself in the Wild Doniga Markegard Paperbound 3977994 $3.95
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A NEGRO EXPLORER AT THE NORTH POLE Matthew Henson Paperbound 4811739 $3.95
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THE WILD TWINS: Tales of Strength and Survival Amber & Serena Shine Paperbound 7700814 $7.95
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TRAILBLAZER: The Adventures of a Nature Guide Enos A. Mills Paperbound 386099X $9.95
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CLIMBING EVEREST George Mallory Paperbound 7754345 $11.95
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THE HOBO DIARIES: Down and Out on Martha's Vineyard Holly Nadler Paperbound 7801963 $11.95
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THE ADVENTURER'S SON: A Memoir Roman Dial Paperbound 4722965 $12.95
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