Amish Romance

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Title  Author Binding Item # Price  Info
AMISH COUNTRY HIDEOUT M. Alford & A. Stone Paperbound 774854X $5.95
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HER AMISH ADVERSARY Vannetta Chapman Paperbound 7828659 $11.95
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THEIR AMISH SECOND CHANCE P.D. Wright & C. Liggett Paperbound 7822855 $5.95
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A DOUBLE DOSE OF LOVE Kathleen Fuller Paperbound 7806027 $7.95
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THE WARMTH OF SUNSHINE Kelly Irvin Paperbound 7835582 Price cut to $5.95
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LOVING LOVINA Patricia Johns Paperbound 7820666 Price cut to $2.95
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HIDDEN HEARTS L. Worth & E. Miller Paperbound 7873980 Price cut to $4.95
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WHERE SHE BELONGS J.A. Brown & P. Johns Paperbound 7803435 Price cut to $3.95
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TWO SUITORS FOR ANNA Molly Jebber Paperbound 7927622 Price cut to $2.95
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THE GIFT OF FAITH Kristen McKanagh Paperbound 7832818 $6.95
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COURAGE IN THE STORM Laurel Blount Paperbound 784008X Price cut to $4.95
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