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BRIGHT STARS: Great Artists Who Died Too Young Kate Bryan Hardbound 7812086 $9.95
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DAVID SMITH: The Art and Life of a Transformational Sculptor Michael Brenson Hardbound 789872X $11.95
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A LIFE OF PICASSO: The Minotaur Years, 1933-1943 John Richardson Hardbound 7773544 Price cut to $7.95
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THE GRAND AFFAIR: John Singer Sargent in His World Paul Fisher Hardbound 7745338 $29.95
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A LESSON IN ART & LIFE: The Colourful World of Cedric Morris & Arthur Lett-Haines Hugh St. Clair Hardbound 7775571 $11.95
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ALBERT & THE WHALE: Albrecht Durer & How Art Imagines Our World Philip Hoare Paperbound 4947916 $9.95
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WILLIAM HENRY JACKSON'S LENS: How Yellowstone's Famous Photographer Captured the American West Tim McNeese Hardbound 7856822 Price cut to $19.95
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WHAT BECOMES A LEGEND MOST: A Biography of Richard Avedon Philip Gefter Paperbound 7917317 Price cut to $14.95
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STITCHED & SEWN: The Life-Saving Art of Holocaust Survivor Trudie Strobel Jody Savin Hardbound 4913426 $14.95
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ORPEN AT WAR Patricia O'Reilly Paperbound 7807090 Price cut to $9.95
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SURREAL SPACES: The Life and Art of Leonora Carrington Joanna Moorhead Hardbound 790536X Price cut to $27.95
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