Art for Children

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FAMOUS FIGURES OF ANCIENT TIMES: Articulated Paper Dolls to Cut, Color, and Assemble Cathy Diez-Luckie Paperbound 4947827 $11.95
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FAMOUS FIGURES OF THE EARLY MODERN ERA: Articulated Paper Dolls to Cut, Color, and Assemble Cathy Diez-Luckie Paperbound 4947851 $7.95
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THE BIG BOOK OF DRAWING Wendy Piersall Paperbound 4953126 $7.95
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HOW TO DRAW DINOSAURS: Step-by-Step Instructions for 20 Prehistoric Creatures Paperbound 7795394 $4.95
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DINOSAURS: Watch Me Read and Draw Samantha Chagollan, illus. by M. Cerato Paperbound 7795726 Price cut to $2.95
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