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Make: AI Robots Reade Richard et al Paperbound 7961863 $17.95
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THE ART OF MAC MALWARE: The Guide to Analyzing Malicious Software Patrick Wardle Paperbound 793341X $15.95
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YOU AND THE INTERNET OF THINGS Vicki McLeod Paperbound 3892611 $13.95
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INTRODUCTION TO TEACHING WITH ZOOM Madison Salters Paperbound 3995925 $9.95
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KEEP CALM AND LOG ON: Your Handbook for Surviving the Digital Revolution Gillian "Gus" Andrews Paperbound 7756712 $7.95
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ARTIFICIAL UNINTELLIGENCE: How Computers Misunderstand the World Meredith Broussard Paperbound 7682395 $5.95
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SID MEIER'S MEMOIR! A Life in Computer Games Sid Meier Hardbound 7908865 $4.95
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SUPERSIGHT: What Augmented Reality Means for Our Lives, Our Work, and the Way We Imagine the Future David Rose Hardbound 7777701 $3.95
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