Collected Literary Works

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REUNION BEACH Elin Hilderbrand et al Paperbound 193743X $5.95
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THE NEW NEGRO: An Interpretation Edited by Alain Locke Paperbound 4697367 $7.95
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LETTERS FOR THE AGES: The Private and Personal Letters of Sir Winston Churchill Edited by J. Drake & A. Packwood Hardbound 7914237 Price cut to $14.95
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ROGER'S VERSION / RABBIT AT REST John Updike Hardbound 1969218 $16.95
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SCOTTISH STORIES Edited by Gerard Carruthers Hardbound 7832249 $16.95
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YOU DON'T KNOW US NEGROES AND OTHER ESSAYS Zora Neale Hurston Hardbound 4941217 $21.95
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