Environment & Ecology

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WHAT FUTURE: The Year's Best Ideas to Reclaim, Reanimate & Reinvent Our Future Edited by T. Bosch & R. Scranton Paperbound 7771746 $4.95
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AFTER COOLING: On Freon, Global Warming, and the Terrible Cost of Comfort Eric Dean Wilson Paperbound 7681577 $5.95
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COUNT DOWN Shanna H. Swan with S. Colino Paperbound 7778538 $5.95
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THE WORLD WITHOUT US Alan Weisman Paperbound 7847769 $5.95
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GLOBAL HIVE: What the Bee Crisis Teaches Us About Building a Sustainable World Horst Kornberger Paperbound 1957554 $6.95
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THE HUMAN PLANET: How We Created the Anthropocene S.L. Lewis & M.A. Maslin Paperbound 1931393 $7.95
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END TIMES: A Brief Guide to the End of the World Bryan Walsh Hardbound 4678508 $7.95
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FLOATING COAST: An Environmental History of the Bering Strait Bathsheba Demuth Hardbound 4859839 $7.95
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WHY THE WIND BLOWS: A History of Weather and Global Warming Matthys Levy Paperbound 7750463 $7.95
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PANDORA'S TOOLBOX: The Hopes and Hazards of Climate Intervention Wake Smith Hardbound 1930567 $9.95
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THE FIGHT AGAINST MONSANTO'S ROUNDUP: The Politics of Pesticides Mitchel Cohen Paperbound 1975269 $13.95
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ANGRY WEATHER: Heat Waves, Floods, Storms, and the New Science of Climate Change Friederike Otto Paperbound 7830017 $13.95
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MOVING TO HIGHER GROUND: Rising Sea Level and the Path Forward John Englander Paperbound 4754611 $14.95
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COUNT DOWN Shanna H. Swan with S. Colino Hardbound 4759265 $14.95
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THE DARKNESS MANIFESTO: On Light Pollution, Night Ecology, and the Ancient Rhythms That Sustain Life Johan Eklof Hardbound 7796994 $14.95
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