Fictional Biographies

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Title  Author Binding Item # Price  Info
STRANGERS IN THE NIGHT Heather Webb Paperbound 7971311 $5.95
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BLONDE Joyce Carol Oates Paperbound 7804474 $5.95
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THE LAST CONFESSIONS OF SYLVIA P Lee Kravetz Paperbound 7804717 $6.95
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BONNIE Christina Schwarz Paperbound 1945041 $4.95
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AFTER ANNE Logan Steiner Paperbound 7865716 $13.95
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THE MAYFAIR BOOKSHOP Eliza Knight Paperbound 7942141 $5.95
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BONNIE Christina Schwarz Hardbound 4716663 $3.95
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THE PARIS BOOKSELLER Kerri Maher Paperbound 7768273 $9.95
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MEMOIRS AND MISINFORMATION Jim Carrey & D. Vachon Hardbound 7946112 Price cut to $4.95
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IF A POEM COULD LIVE AND BREATHE Mary Calvi Hardbound 7884524 Price cut to $3.95
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MY LIFE IS LIKE A FAIRY TALE Robert Irwin Paperbound 4727045 $12.95
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STAR TREK CAPTAINS: The Autobiographies James T. Kirk et al Paperbound 7746326 $29.95
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MR. BEETHOVEN Paul Griffiths Paperbound 7896077 Price cut to $3.95
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