Historical Photography

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LOWER EAST AND UPPER WEST: New York City Photographs 1957-1968 Jonathan Brand Hardbound 7734387 Price cut to $9.95
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CHICAGO: Classic Photographs Edited by R. Cahan & M. Williams Hardbound 7832397 Price cut to $9.95
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PENN STATION, NEW YORK Louis Stettner Hardbound 7758553 Price cut to $11.95
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CAPTION THIS: A Photographic Collection of Amusing Comments, Snarky Asides, and Romantic Admissions B. Levine & P. Ramey Hardbound 7931735 Price cut to $14.95
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EXPOSING THE MAYA: Early Archaeological Photography in the Americas K. Sainson & J.W. Hessler Hardbound 7711107 $29.95
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OUR AMERICA: A Photographic History Ken Burns et al Hardbound 7749589 Price cut to $34.95
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COLOR MANIA: Photographing the World in Autochrome Catlin Langford Hardbound 778807X Price cut to $39.95
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