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RADIANT: The Dancer, the Scientist, and a Friendship Forged in Light Liz Heinecke Hardbound 4877667 $4.95
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INGA: Kennedy's Great Love, Hitler's Perfect Beauty, and J. Edgar Hoover's Prime Suspect Scott Farris Hardbound 498434X $5.95
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EARTHA & KITT: A Daughter's Love Story in Black & White K. Shapiro & P.W. Levy Hardbound 4974859 $6.95
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DIRTY SEXY MONEY: The Unauthorized Biography of Kris Jenner C. Griffin & D. Howard Hardbound 4982800 $6.95
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THE DUKE: The Life and Lies of Tommy Morrison Carlos Acevedo Paperbound 1929755 $9.95
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BOURDAIN: The Definitive Oral Biography Laurie Woolever Paperbound 7729715 $9.95
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BRUCE LEE ANTHOLOGY: Films & Fighting Paul Crompton Paperbound 7877811 Price cut to $9.95
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BRUCE LEE: The Life of a Legend Fiaz Rafiq Paperbound 3963691 $11.95
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JOHN GILBERT: The Last of the Silent Film Stars Eve Golden Paperbound 768407X $14.95
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ELIZABETH TAYLOR: The Grit & Glamour of an Icon Kate Andersen Brower Paperbound 7917228 Price cut to $14.95
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WARRIOR: Audrey Hepburn Robert Matzen Hardbound 4938194 $17.95
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RINGMASTER: Vince McMahon and the Unmaking of America Abraham Riesman Hardbound 7826540 Price cut to $17.95
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TRUE WEST: Sam Shepard's Life, Work, and Times Robert Greenfield Hardbound 7830149 Price cut to $17.95
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STILL LAUGHING: A Life in Comedy George Schlatter as told to J. Macks Hardbound 7874073 Price cut to $17.95
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TIED UP IN KNOTTS: My Dad and Me Karen Knotts Hardbound 1911074 Price cut to $19.95
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ELIZABETH TAYLOR: The Grit & Glamour of an Icon Kate Andersen Brower Hardbound 7765525 Price cut to $19.95
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THE QUEEN OF TECHNICOLOR: Maria Montez in Hollywood Tom Zimmerman Hardbound 1987453 Price cut to $21.95
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OUTSIDE LOOKING IN: The Seriously Funny Life and Work of George Carlin John Corcelli Hardbound 7767145 $21.95
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ANNE BANCROFT: A Life Douglass K. Daniel Paperbound 1942417 $22.95
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GLAMOUR AND STYLE: The Beauty of Hedy Lamarr Stephen Michael Shearer Hardbound 1945580 Price cut to $24.95
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LAWRENCE TIERNEY: Hollywood's Real-Life Tough Guy Burt Kearns Hardbound 7776748 $24.95
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