Monographs on Photographers

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Title  Author Binding Item # Price  Info
MILE O' MUD: The Culture of Swamp Buggy Racing Malcolm Lightner Hardbound 3988953 $9.95
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ANNAPOLIS: The Photography of A. Aubrey Bodine Jennifer B. Bodine Hardbound 4850262 $11.95
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WALKER EVANS: Starting from Scratch Svetlana Alpers Paperbound 7950829 Price cut to $19.95
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JULIA MARGARET CAMERON: Arresting Beauty L. Springer & M. Weiss Hardbound 7829574 Price cut to $17.95
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LEE MILLER: Photographs Antony Penrose Hardbound 7937296 Price cut to $27.95
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CHINA: Seen Through a Photographer's Eyes Christer Lofgren Paperbound 7787065 Price cut to $24.95
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LATITUDE: From North to the South Pole Christer Lofgren Paperbound 7787081 Price cut to $14.95
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BOB WILLOUGHBY: A Cinematic Life Hardbound 7872720 Price cut to $44.95
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