Mysteries & Whodunits

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JIM HANVEY, DETECTIVE Octavus Roy Cohen Paperbound 4822927 $9.95
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CATCH THE SAINT Leslie Charteris Paperbound 779911X $9.95
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THE SAINT ABROAD Leslie Charteris Paperbound 7799136 Price cut to $9.95
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BLACK IS THE NIGHT: Stories Inspired by Cornell Woolrich Edited by Maxim Jakubowski Hardbound 7746210 $11.95
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BODIES FROM THE LIBRARY 4 Paperbound 7796374 $11.95
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THINGS GET UGLY: The Best Crime Stories of Joe R. Lansdale Joe R. Lansdale Paperbound 7886187 $13.95
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MURDER MAYHEM SHORT STORIES Edited by Laura Bulbeck Hardbound 7862911 $15.95
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