New Age Spirituality

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THE SHAMANIC POWERS OF ROLLING THUNDER Edited by S.M.S. Jones & S. Krippner Paperbound 773607X $3.95
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INDESTRUCTIBLE: Fight Your Spiritual Battles from the Winning Side Blake K. Healy Paperbound 7707681 $4.95
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REVELATIONS OF THE RUBY CRYSTAL Barbara Hand Clow Paperbound 7822413 Price cut to $4.95
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A LITTLE BIT OF GODDESS Amy Leigh Mercree Hardbound 3758591 $5.95
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THE GOLDEN KEY Emmet Fox Paperbound 7679718 $5.95
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THE CHRIST MYSTERY: Reflections on the Second Coming Robert A. Powell Paperbound 7891784 $5.95
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STRANGE RITES: New Religions for a Godless World Tara Isabella Burton Hardbound 1910434 $6.95
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THE COMPASSION REVOLUTION: 30 Days of Living from the Heart Amy Leigh Mercree Paperbound 6615899 $6.95
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IN SEARCH OF THE SOUL John Cottingham Paperbound 1906593 $7.95
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NAMASTE BLESSINGS: I Honor the Spirit in You, Which Is Also in Me Toni Carmine Salerno Hardbound 4906136 $7.95
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STRANGE RITES: New Religions for a Godless World Tara Isabella Burton Paperbound 4950747 $7.95
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THE WAY OF ABUNDANCE & JOY: The Shamanic Teachings of don Alberto Taxo Shirley Blancke Paperbound 4961013 $7.95
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THE KABBALAH OF WRITING: Mystical Practices for Inspiration and Creativity Sherri Mandell Paperbound 7786840 $9.95
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WILD GUIDE: Central England Nikki Squires et al Paperbound 3944042 $11.95
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AWAKENING THE ANCIENT POWER OF SNAKE: Transformation, Healing & Enlightenment Dawn Baumann Brunke Paperbound 4853210 $12.95
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OUR SPIRITUAL DNA: Twelve Ascended Masters and the Evidence for Our Divine Ancestry Carmel Niland Paperbound 4935667 $12.95
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SHAMANISM: In Focus Tracie Long Hardbound 4697529 $14.95
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THE MYSTIC'S PATH HOME: Teachings of the Ascended Masters Elizabeth Clare Prophet Paperbound 7843224 $14.95
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PSYCHIC PERCEPTION: The Magic of Extrasensory Power Joseph Murphy Paperbound 496716X $17.95
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TELEPSYCHICS: Using Your Hidden Subconscious Powers Joseph Murphy Paperbound 4967194 $17.95
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BECOMING A GARMENT OF ISIS: A Nine-Stage Initiatory Path of Egyptian Spirituality Naomi Ozaniec Paperbound 1944800 $19.95
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DECODING THE ENOCHIAN SECRETS: God's Most Holy Book to Mankind as Received by Dr. John Dee from Angelic Messengers John DeSalvo Hardbound 4935500 $19.95
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SACRED NATURE: Restoring Our Ancient Bond with the Natural World Karen Armstrong Hardbound 7714424 $21.95
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