Paleontology & Evolution

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UNDENIABLE: Evolution and the Science of Creation Bill Nye Hardbound 1206877 Price cut to $4.95
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UNDENIABLE: How Biology Confirms Our Intuition That Life Is Designed Douglas Axe Paperbound 7814909 $5.95
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METAZOA: Animal Life and the Birth of the Mind Peter Godfrey-Smith Hardbound 7756348 $6.95
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THE THEORY THAT CHANGED EVERYTHING Philip Lieberman Paperbound 7850654 $6.95
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DANCING COCKATOOS AND THE DEAD MAN TEST: How Behavior Evolves and Why It Matters Marlene Zuk Hardbound 7708319 Price cut to $7.95
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EVOLUTION TALK: The Who, What, Why, and How Behind the Oldest Story Ever Told Rick Coste Paperbound 7724683 Price cut to $7.95
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DELICIOUS: The Evolution of Flavor and How It Made Us Human R. Dunn & M. Sanchez Paperbound 7711514 $9.95
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BITCH: On the Female of the Species Lucy Cooke Hardbound 1977547 $11.95
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A POCKET HISTORY OF HUMAN EVOLUTION: How We Became Sapiens S. Condemi & F. Savatier Paperbound 3770818 $11.95
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ANCIENT BONES: Unearthing the Astonishing New Story of How We Became Human Rudiger Braun et al Paperbound 7705468 $11.95
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BEASTS BEFORE US: The Untold Story of Mammal Origins and Evolution Elsa Panciroli Paperbound 7821425 Price cut to $11.95
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SKIN DEEP: Dispelling the Science of Race Gavin Evans Paperbound 4672968 $12.95
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T. REX AND THE CRATER OF DOOM Walter Alvarez Paperbound 1948865 $14.95
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THE RISE AND REIGN OF THE MAMMALS: A New History from the Shadow of the Dinosaurs to Us Steve Brusatte Hardbound 7711735 Price cut to $14.95
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SLEEPING BEAUTIES: The Mystery of Dormant Innovations in Nature and Culture Andreas Wagner Hardbound 7838123 Price cut to $14.95
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EVOLUTION GONE WRONG: The Curious Reasons Why Our Bodies Work (or Don't) Alex Bezzerides Paperbound 7829833 $16.95
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EVOLUTION'S BITE: A Story of Teeth, Diet, and Human Origins Peter S. Ungar Hardbound 4900774 $19.95
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A BRIEF HISTORY OF INTELLIGENCE: Evolution, AI, and the Five Breakthroughs That Made Our Brains Max Bennett Hardbound 7953283 Price cut to $21.95
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