Photo Journalism & Essays

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HIGH HEELS Frank Rispoli Hardbound 7850395 $6.95
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DEFINING EVENTS THAT CHANGED OUR LIVES: From 1950 to the Present Edited by Alfredo Luis Somoza et al Hardbound 7880294 Price cut to $7.95
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IN / VISIBLE A-C. Woehrl & L. Salm-Reifferscheidt Hardbound 3819027 $15.95
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DIESEL LOCOMOTIVES AROUND THE WORLD Peter J. Green Paperbound 7826761 $19.95
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RELENTLESS COURAGE: Ukraine and the World at War Hardbound 7770251 Price cut to $27.95
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PHOTOGRAPHING AMERICA'S FIRST ASTRONAUTS: Project Mercury Through the Lens of Bill Taub J.L. Pickering & J. Bisney Hardbound 7832109 Price cut to $31.95
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