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TRUSTING GOD DAY BY DAY: 365 Daily Devotions Joyce Meyer Hardbound 769167X $4.95
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GOD IS A GRUNT: And More Good News for GIs Logan M. Isaac Hardbound 7828268 $3.95
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TWO MEN FROM BABYLON: Nebuchadnezzar, Trump, and the Lord of History Wallace Henley Hardbound 1979744 $3.95
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WHEN GOD FEELS FAR AWAY: 8 Ways to Navigate Divine Distance Jamie Rasmussen Paperbound 7794754 $3.95
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COUNTRY SOUL: Inspiring Stories of Heartache Turned into Hope Cara Whitney Hardbound 7809867 $3.95
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POSH COLORING BOOK: Prayers for Inspiration & Peace Deborah Muller Paperbound 7791232 $4.95
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BILLY GRAHAM & ME: 101 Inspiring Personal Stories from Presidents, Pastors, Performers, and Other People Who Know Him Well S. Posner & A. Newmark Hardbound 7840276 $5.95
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WHAT A GREAT WORD FOR MOMS: A Devotional Karen Moore Hardbound 4934059 $4.95
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GANGSTER PRAYER: Relentlessly Pursuing God with Passion and Great Expectation Autumn Miles Paperbound 7966709 $5.95
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MYSTICS IN ACTION: Twelve Saints for Today Bruce G. Epperly Paperbound 7967357 $5.95
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ZEALOUS: Following Jesus with Guidance from St. Paul M. Hart & C. Cuddy Paperbound 7701551 $4.95
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THE MEMOIRS OF ST. PETER: A New Translation of the Gospel According to Mark Michael Pakaluk Paperbound 7949995 $5.95
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WHEN I SPOKE IN TONGUES: A Pentecostal Girlhood Jessica Wilbanks Paperbound 7754051 $4.95
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DEDICANT, DEVOTEE, PRIEST: A Pagan Guide to Divine Relationships Stephanie Woodfield Paperbound 7917716 $8.95
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A WOMAN CALLED MOSES: A Prophet for Our Time Jean-Christophe Attias Hardbound 7786530 $2.95
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FAITHEIST: How an Atheist Found Common Ground with the Religious Chris Stedman Hardbound 7854064 $3.95
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ALTERNATIVE SOCIOLOGIES OF RELIGION: Through Non-Western Eyes James V. Spickard Paperbound 7871317 $5.95
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GOLEM: Modern Wars and Their Monsters Maya Barzilai Paperbound 7871589 $5.95
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WHERE JESUS WALKED DVD 7973853 Price cut to $3.95
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TALK WITH ANGELS: How to Work with Angels of Light for Guidance, Comfort & Healing Elizabeth Clare Prophet Paperbound 1969412 $12.95
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WHEN WE TALK ABOUT GOD...LET'S BE HONEST R. Kirby Godsey Paperbound 4913841 $3.95
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PROFOUND GOOD: See God Through the Lens of His Love Blake K. Healy Paperbound 7724888 $5.95
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BIBLE CHRONICLES: The Lost Knowledge DVD 791962X $14.95
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GOD'S BRAIN L. Tiger & M. McGuire Paperbound 4699009 $5.95
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JUDAS AND JESUS: Two Faces of a Single Revelation Jean-Yves Leloup Paperbound 7735103 $5.95
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BORN FOR IT: 90 Days & 90 Ways to Discover Your Gifts and Purpose Carson Case Hardbound 773963X $2.95
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A PEOPLE'S TRAGEDY: Studies in Reformation Eamon Duffy Hardbound 7832605 $9.95
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SOUL BROTHERS: Men in the Bible Speak to Men Today Richard Rohr Paperbound 7967381 $5.95
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LIBERTY IN THE THINGS OF GOD: The Christian Origins of Religious Freedom Robert Louis Wilken Paperbound 1954040 $3.95
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THE SHAMANIC POWERS OF ROLLING THUNDER Edited by S.M.S. Jones & S. Krippner Paperbound 773607X $3.95
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RADICAL FORGIVENESS Antoinette Bosco Paperbound 7771665 $4.95
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EASTER: Its Story and Meaning Alan Watts Paperbound 781190X $7.95
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ISLANDS OF THE EVENING: Journeys to the Edge of the World Alistair Moffat Paperbound 7972067 $11.95
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UNBELIEVERS: An Emotional History of Doubt Alec Ryrie Paperbound 495260X $6.95
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PROPHETIC FORECAST: Insights for Navigating the Future to Align with Heaven's Agenda Joshua Giles Paperbound 7847440 $6.95
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TEACHINGS FROM THE MYSTERY SCHOOL: The Maitreya Discourses Elizabeth Clare Prophet Paperbound 7930534 $15.95
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EXPERIMENTS IN BUDDHIST-CHRISTIAN ENCOUNTER: From Buddha-Nature to the Divine Nature Peter Feldmeier Paperbound 7967330 $7.95
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A LITTLE BIT OF GODDESS Amy Leigh Mercree Hardbound 3758591 $5.95
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WALKING THROUGH FIRE: A Memoir of Loss and Redemption Vaneetha Rendall Risner Paperbound 7861176 $5.95
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HOW FAR YOU HAVE COME: Musings on Beauty and Courage Morgan Harper Nichols Hardbound 7897898 Price cut to $3.95
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THE MOST ASKED PROPHECY QUESTIONS: What the Bible Says About the End Times...and Why It Matters Today J. Ankerberg & R.E. Showers Paperbound 1918648 $9.95
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AUTOBIOGRAPHY OF A ZEN MONK Taisen Deshimaru Paperbound 1948903 $9.95
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HOW TO BE: A Monk and a Journalist Reflect on Living & Dying, Purpose & Prayer, Forgiveness & Friendship J. Valente & P. Quenon Paperbound 4895754 $6.95
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JOURNEY TO THE CROSS: A 40-Day Lenten Devotional Paul David Tripp Hardbound 4914430 $9.95
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A RHYTHM OF PRAYER: A Collection of Meditations for Renewal Edited by Sarah Bessey Hardbound 7783337 $4.95
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THE GOSPELS: A New Translation Sarah Ruden Paperbound 7801866 $13.95
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THE MYSTIC'S PATH HOME: Teachings of the Ascended Masters Elizabeth Clare Prophet Paperbound 7843224 $14.95
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FUTURE GLORY: Living in the Hope of the Rapture, Heaven, and Eternity Ed Hindson Paperbound 1918605 $12.95
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BECOMING A GARMENT OF ISIS: A Nine-Stage Initiatory Path of Egyptian Spirituality Naomi Ozaniec Paperbound 1944800 $19.95
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BLACK & BUDDHIST: What Buddhism Can Teach Us About Race, Resilience, Transformation & Freedom Edited by P.A. Yetunde & C.A. Giles Paperbound 4690907 $5.95
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ATOM-SMASHING POWER OF MIND Charles Fillmore Paperbound 495310X $11.95
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MORBID MAGIC: Death Spirituality & Culture from Around the World Tomas Prower Paperbound 7698917 $7.95
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TRANSCENDENT WISDOM OF THE MAYA: The Ceremonies and Symbolism of a Living Tradition Gabriela Jurosz-Landa Paperbound 7724942 Price cut to $3.95
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THE RATIONAL BIBLE: Deuteronomy Dennis Prager Hardbound 7739303 $29.95
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STRANGER NO MORE: A Muslim Refugee's Story of Harrowing Escape, Miraculous Rescue, and the Quiet Call of Jesus Annahita Parsan with C. Borlase Hardbound 7774796 $5.95
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THE KABBALAH OF WRITING: Mystical Practices for Inspiration and Creativity Sherri Mandell Paperbound 7786840 $9.95
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VENICE AND ITS JEWS: 500 Years Since the Founding of the Ghetto Donatella Calabi Paperbound 778712X $5.95
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LET US DREAM: The Path to a Better Future Pope Francis et al Hardbound 7808402 $4.95
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THE BRINGER OF LIFE: A Cosmic History of the Divine Feminine Hayley A. Ramsey Paperbound 7843208 $11.95
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ABUNDANT BLESSINGS: Zendoodle Colorscapes Paperbound 7859589 $5.95
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BRIGID'S LIGHT: Tending the Ancestral Flame of the Beloved Celtic Goddess Edited by C. Crow & L. Louella Paperbound 1926322 $9.95
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THE LIGHT OF GOD: Divine Locutions on Evil, Karma, Reincarnation, and Healing Laura Aversano Paperbound 1944835 $7.95
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THE TRUTH ABOUT US: The Very Good News About How Very Bad We Are Brant Hansen Paperbound 4812972 $5.95
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BECOMING A NEXT-LEVEL PROPHET: An Invitation to Increase in Your Gift Jennifer LeClaire Paperbound 4909720 $4.95
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WHEN GOD HAD A WIFE: The Fall and Rise of the Sacred Feminine in the Judeo-Christian Tradition L. Picknett & C. Prince Paperbound 4935802 $9.95
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THE VANISHING: Faith, Loss, and the Twilight of Christianity in the Land of the Prophets Janine di Giovanni Hardbound 7677812 $7.95
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GOD, HUMAN, ANIMAL, MACHINE: Technology, Metaphor, and the Search for Meaning Meghan O'Gieblyn Paperbound 7680368 $9.95
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GOD IS NOT A WHITE MAN: And Other Revelations Chine McDonald Paperbound 7731337 $11.95
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DROPPING ASHES ON THE BUDDHA: The Teaching of Zen Master Seung Sahn Stephen Mitchell Paperbound 7741987 $5.95
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THE DARK SIDE OF THE SUPERNATURAL: Uncovering God's Truth B. Myers & D. Wimbish Paperbound 7775024 $5.95
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THE LAST SUPPER ON THE MOON: NASA's 1969 Lunar Voyage, Jesus Christ's Bloody Death, and the Fantastic Quest to Conquer Inner Spa Levi Lusko Hardbound 7775563 $5.95
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QUANTUM SPIRITUALITY: Science, Gnostic Mysticism, and Connecting with Source Consciousness Peter Canova Paperbound 7791038 $15.95
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