Trivia & Imponderables

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CLOSE, BUT NO CIGAR: Runner-Ups, Nearly-Weres and Also-Rans Dale Patterson Paperbound 3845257 $18.95
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ROYAL TRIVIA: Your Guide to the Modern British Royal Family R. Bowie & R. Fiorito Hardbound 4926595 $11.95
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THE ROYAL PUZZLE BOOK: 300 Challenges & Teasers from Alfred the Great to Charles III Philip Parker Paperbound 7886306 Price cut to $11.95
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SLINKYS AND SNAKE BOMBS: Weird but True Historical Facts Jem Duducu Paperbound 4938100 $9.95
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SH*T FOR BRAINS: Trivia You Can't Unknow Harebrained, Inc Paperbound 772182X Price cut to $9.95
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CIVIL WAR TRIVIA AND FACT BOOK Webb Garrison Paperbound 7766998 Price cut to $9.95
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THE BIG BOOK OF SPY TRIVIA Bernadette Johnson Paperbound 4706447 $7.95
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AMAZING METS TRIVIA R. Adell & K. Samelson Paperbound 7836848 Price cut to $2.95
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