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WALKING WITH GHOSTS IN PAPUA NEW GUINEA Rick Antonson Hardbound 771226X Price cut to $3.95
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SUSTAINABLE TRAVEL: The Essential Guide to Positive-Impact Adventures Holly Tuppen Hardbound 7911718 Price cut to $3.95
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DOPEWORLD: Adventures in the Global Drug Trade Niko Vorobyov Hardbound 4779258 $4.95
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THE THIRD POLE: Mystery, Obsession, and Death on Mount Everest Mark Synnott Hardbound 7847661 Price cut to $4.95
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REBEL WITH A CLAUSE: Tales and Tips from a Roving Grammarian Ellen Jovin Hardbound 7958900 Price cut to $4.95
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DUCK SEASON: Eating, Drinking, and Other Misadventures in Gascony--France's Last Best Place David McAninch Paperbound 7816545 $5.95
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THIS IS YOUR CAPTAIN SPEAKING: Stories from the Flight Deck Doug Morris Paperbound 1973118 $9.95
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ALONG THE AMBER ROUTE: St Petersburg to Venice C.J. Schuler Hardbound 4685024 $11.95
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DEATH IN ROCKY MOUNTAIN NATIONAL PARK: Accidents and Foolhardiness on the Continental Divide Randi Minetor Paperbound 389519X $13.95
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THE LITTLE BOOK OF WELSH CULTURE Mark Rees Paperbound 7817592 $14.95
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THE EXPLORERS CLUB: A Visual Journey Through the Past, Present, and Future of Exploration Edited by Jeff Wilser Hardbound 7964951 Price cut to $21.95
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