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WHEN I SPOKE IN TONGUES: A Pentecostal Girlhood Jessica Wilbanks Paperbound 7754051 $4.95
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A LIFE OF MY OWN Claire Tomalin Hardbound 3907627 $5.95
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IN SEVEN STAGES: A Flying Trap Around the World Elizabeth Bisland Paperbound 4905377 $5.95
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WE'RE NOT BROKEN: Changing the Autism Conversation Eric Garcia Hardbound 1917188 $7.95
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MY REMINISCENCES Rabindranath Tagore Paperbound 4905474 $7.95
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TUESDAYS IN JAIL: What I Learned Teaching Journaling to Inmates Tina Welling Paperbound 7724667 $9.95
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THE HOBO DIARIES: Down and Out on Martha's Vineyard Holly Nadler Paperbound 7801963 $11.95
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MURPHY'S LAW: My Journey from Army Ranger and Green Beret to Investigative Journalist Jack Murphy Paperbound 3853624 $12.95
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PARKINSON'S BLUES: Stories of My Life John J. Clayton Paperbound 3975401 $13.95
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A PRIVATE SPY: The Letters of John le Carre Hardbound 776829X $19.95
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