Hitler & the Nazis

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Title  Item # Price  Info
THE DEATH OF HITLER'S WAR MACHINE: The Final Destruction of the Wehrmacht 1207180 $4.95
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THE PANZER KILLERS: The Untold Story of a Fighting General and His Spearhead Tank Division's Charge into the Third Reich 1998331 $6.95
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VOLKSWAGENS OF THE WEHRMACHT: German Vehicles in World War II 7833555 $6.95
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TARGET ROMMEL: The Allied Attempts to Assassinate Hitler's General 607958X $6.95
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HITLER'S GREAT GAMBLE: A New Look at German Strategy, Operation Barbarossa, and the Axis Defeat in World War II 7978146 $7.95
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THE DAY FIGHTERS: German Fighters in World War II 7833334 $6.95
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A JUDGE IN AUSCHWITZ: Konrad Morgen's Crusade Against Corruption & 'Illegal' Murder 6079180 $7.95
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HITLER'S FORGOTTEN NAZIS: Foreign Soldiers of the Third Reich 7999798 $5.95
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COMMANDANT OF AUSCHWITZ: The Autobiography of Rudolf Hoess 797325X $7.95
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17 CARNATIONS: The Royals, the Nazis, and the Biggest Cover-Up in History 7876041 $5.95
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HITLER'S HOUSEWIVES: German Women on the Home Front 7809638 $7.95
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THE GOOD ASSASSIN: How a Mossad Agent and a Band of Survivors Hunted Down the Butcher of Latvia 4811445 Price cut to $4.95
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HITLER'S BOY SOLDIERS: How My Father's Generation Was Trained to Kill and Sent to Die for Germany 7842910 $5.95
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KNIGHTS OF THE REICH: The Twenty-Seven Most Highly Decorated Soldiers of the Wehrmacht in World War II 7833385 $7.95
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PRELUDE TO CATASTROPHE: FDR's Jews and the Menace of Nazism 1033492 $5.95
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DEFYING HITLER: The Germans Who Resisted Nazi Rule 1996908 $9.95
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"PROMISE ME YOU'LL SHOOT YOURSELF": The Mass Suicide of Ordinary Germans in 1945 7907990 $9.95
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PRELUDE TO STALINGRAD: The Red Army's Attempt to Derail the German Drive to the Caucasus in World War II 797776X $5.95
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U-BOAT PENS OF THE ATLANTIC BATTLE: Building for Battle 7894376 $9.95
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HITLER: Downfall 1939-1945 790164X $14.95
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NIGHT OF THE ASSASSINS: The Untold Story of Hitler's Plot to Kill FDR, Churchill, and Stalin 4787463 $5.95
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HITLER'S AMERICAN GAMBLE: Pearl Harbor and Germany's March to Global War 7994346 $9.95
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HITLER'S FINAL PUSH: The Battle of the Bulge from the German Point of View 7815549 $4.95
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HITLER'S WAR IN AFRICA 1941-1942: The Road to Cairo 7845375 $9.95
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WOMEN OF THE THIRD REICH: From Camp Guards to Combatants 7861958 $7.95
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A LUFTWAFFE BOMBER PILOT REMEMBERS: World War II from the Cockpit 7946937 $9.95
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THE HIDDEN NAZI: The Untold Story of America's Deal with the Devil 771680X $6.95
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NAZI WIVES: The Women at the Top of Hitler's Germany 4792580 $7.95
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THE PANZER KILLERS: The Untold Story of a Fighting General and His Spearhead Tank Division's Charge into the Third Reich 7971257 $9.95
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HEINRICH HIMMLER: A Detailed History of His Offices, Commands, and Organizations in Nazi Germany 7996624 $16.95
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HITLER'S WAR BENEATH THE WAVES: The Menace of the U-Boats 8014310 $5.95
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THE TRIAL OF ADOLF HITLER: The Beer Hall Putsch and the Rise of Nazi Germany 7856733 $5.95
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THE DEATH OF HITLER: The Final Word 4944410 $7.95
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NIGHT OF THE LONG KNIVES: History of Terror 7810598 $6.95
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THE FINAL ARCHIVES OF THE FUHRERBUNKER: Berlin in 1945, the Chancellery and the Last Days of Hitler 7764278 $7.95
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WOMEN OF THE THIRD REICH: From Camp Guards to Combatants 7810881 $6.95
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HITLER'S ENFORCERS: Leaders of the German War Machine 1933-1945 7831447 Price cut to $4.95
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HITLER'S ATTACK U-BOATS: The Kriegsmarine's WWII Submarine Strike Force 7845340 $9.95
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HITLER'S LOST STATE: The Fall of Prussia & the Wilhelm Gustloff Tragedy 7845359 $9.95
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7TH SS MOUNTAIN DIVISION PRINZ EUGEN AT WAR 1941-1945: Images of War 7864108 $5.95
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BLITZKRIEG: Myth, Reality, and Hitler's Lightning War--France 1940 7786271 $5.95
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WEAPONS OF DESPERATION: German Frogmen and Midget Submarines of World War II 796336X $7.95
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ARTISTS UNDER HITLER: Collaboration and Survival in Nazi Germany 8042535 $6.95
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THE HITLER YEARS, VOLUME 1: Triumph, 1933-1939 4955692 $11.95
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HUNTING HITLER'S NUKES: The Secret Race to Stop the Nazi Bomb 7700261 $7.95
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HITLER'S PANZERS: The Complete History 1933-1945 7863845 $7.95
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CAVALRY OF THE WEHRMACHT, 1941-1945 7946783 $9.95
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THE SS & THE OCCULT 1922696 $5.95
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HITLER'S WARTIME ORDERS: The Complete Fuhrer Directives 1939-1945 6079113 $9.95
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THE WAFFEN-SS: The Third Reich's Most Infamous Military Organization 7703074 $7.95
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THE WAFFEN-SS IN NORMANDY: June 1944, the Caen Sector 7803117 $7.95
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THE HIDDEN HINDENBURG: The Untold Story of the Tragedy, the Nazi Secrets, and the Quest to Rule the Skies 7849281 $9.95
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BARBAROSSA THROUGH GERMAN EYES: The Biggest Invasion in History 7912110 $12.95
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COMMANDERS OF AUSCHWITZ: The SS Officers Who Ran the Largest Nazi Concentration Camp 1940-1945 7946813 $22.95
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WARRIORS AND WIZARDS: The Development and Defeat of Radio-Controlled Glide Bombs of the Third Reich 7803125 $6.95
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6TH SS MOUNTAIN DIVISION NORD AT WAR 1941-1945: Images of War 7809042 $6.95
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HITLER'S HOME FRONT: Memoirs of a Hitler Youth 1922386 $7.95
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THE REAL ODESSA: How Nazi War Criminals Escaped Europe 7781997 $12.95
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STALINGRAD: The Vital 7 Days 1178229 $17.95
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WAFFEN-SS: Hitler's Army at War 4973755 $9.95
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HITLER'S LAST PLOT: The 139 VIP Hostages Selected for Death in the Final Days of World War II 7762038 $5.95
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ARCTIC FRONT: The Advance of Mountain Corps Norway on Murmansk, 1941 7763921 $7.95
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THE MATRYOSHKA MEMOIRS: A Story of Ukrainian Forced Labour, the Leica Camera Factory, and Nazi Resistance 7924933 Price cut to $11.95
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WATCHING DARKNESS FALL: FDR, His Ambassadors, and the Rise of Adolf Hitler 1979787 $7.95
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HITLER'S STORM TROOPERS: A History of the SA 7845367 $9.95
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FALLSCHIRMJAGER: German Paratroopers 1942-1945 7863810 $7.95
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ERICH RAEDER: Admiral of the Third Reich 793162X $7.95
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BLACK TULIP: The Life and Myth of Erich Hartmann, the World's Top Fighter Ace 7774176 Price cut to $17.95
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ALL AT WAR: Photography by German Soldiers 1939-45 4888561 $19.95
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DEFENDING THE ROCK: How Gibraltar Defeated Hitler 195492X $9.95
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GERMAN MOUNTAIN TROOPS 1939-42: Casemate Illustrated 775342X $6.95
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NIGHT OF THE ASSASSINS: The Untold Story of Hitler's Plot to Kill FDR, Churchill, and Stalin 1945971 $6.95
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CRACKING THE NAZI CODE: The Untold Story of Agent A12 and the Solving of the Holocaust Code 6996728 $21.95
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THE NAZI DEATH CAMPS: Then and Now 7729634 $69.95
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HITLER'S NORTHERN UTOPIA: Building the New Order in Occupied Norway 7795947 $9.95
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HERMANN GOERING: From Secret Luftwaffe to Hossbach War Conference 1935-37 1972782 $9.95
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NAZI WIVES: The Women at the Top of Hitler's Germany 1985914 $6.95
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THE ASTROLOGER: How British Intelligence Plotted to Read Hitler's Mind 7891652 $6.95
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HITLER'S V-WEAPONS: The Battle Against the V-1 & V-2 Written at the Time 7894007 $9.95
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HIMMLER'S HOSTAGES: The Untold Story of Himmler's Special Prisoners & the End of WWII 7815115 $7.95
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AT HITLER'S SIDE: The Memoirs of Hitler's Luftwaffe Adjutant 1937-1945 7955731 $17.95
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HITLER'S VIOLENT YOUTH: How Trench Warfare and Street Fighting Moulded Hitler 607684X $7.95
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GERMAN NAVAL GUNS, 1939-1945 7802889 $29.95
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WOLF'S LAIR: Inside Hitler's East Prussian HQ 782694X $17.95
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HERMANN AND ALBERT GOERING: The Nazi and the Renegade 7832036 $18.95
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GHOSTS OF WAR: Nazi Occupation and Its Aftermath in Soviet Belarus 1920863 $19.95
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THE S.S. OFFICER'S ARMCHAIR: Uncovering the Hidden Life of a Nazi 4870115 $7.95
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THE NAZI CONSPIRACY: The Secret Plot to Kill Roosevelt, Stalin, and Churchill 7781008 $17.95
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HITLER'S TROJAN HORSE: The Fall of the Abwehr 7866704 $28.95
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GEBIRGSJAGER: German Mountain Troops 1935-45 7929080 $27.95
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THE HIDDEN HINDENBURG: The Untold Story of the Tragedy, the Nazi Secrets, and the Quest to Rule the Skies 7700911 $11.95
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THE NAZI CONSPIRACY: The Secret Plot to Kill Roosevelt, Stalin, and Churchill 8008000 $14.95
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