Inspirational Writings

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PERMISSION TO DREAM C. Gardner & M.E. Rivas 1911368 $1.95
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THE GIFT OF FORGIVENESS: Inspiring Stories from Those Who Have Overcome the Unforgivable Katherine Schwarzenegger Pratt 4904109 $2.95
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TWEET INSPIRATION: Faith in 140 Characters (or Less) Mark Hart 7882998 $2.95
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BE A WORK IN PROGRESS: And Other Things I'd Like to Tell My Younger Self John Cena 1912798 $3.95
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CHASING MY SON ACROSS HEAVEN V. Joy Pavelich 396261X $3.95
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YOU ARE AWESOME: How to Navigate Change, Wrestle with Failure, and Live an Intentional Life Neil Pasricha 4934075 $3.95
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CONSCIOUS CONFIDENCE: Use the Wisdom of Sanskrit to Find Clarity and Success Sarah Mane 7735057 $3.95
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CHECKING IN: How Getting Real About Depression Saved My Life--and Can Save Yours Michelle Williams with H. Crawshaw 7742398 $3.95
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RADICAL CURIOSITY: One Man's Search for Cosmic Magic and a Purposeful Life Ken Dychtwald 7789475 $3.95
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PERMISSION TO DREAM C. Gardner & M.E. Rivas 7811667 $3.95
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HAPPIER HERE & NOW: The Restorative Power of Life's Simple Pleasures Mary Jane Grant 7876483 $3.95
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TAKE THE DAY OFF: Receiving God's Gift of Rest Robert Morris 1936069 $4.95
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MUTUAL RESCUE: How Adopting a Homeless Animal Can Save You, Too Carol Novello 398768X $4.95
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YOU CAN! Words of Wisdom from The Little Engine That Could Charlie Hart, illus. by J. Howarth 4717406 $4.95
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THE ESSENTIAL PATH: Making the Daring Decision to Be Who You Truly Are Neale Donald Walsch 495890X $4.95
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THE ALIGN METHOD: A Modern Movement Guide for a Stronger Body, Sharper Mind, and Stress-Proof Life Aaron Alexander 5633230 $4.95
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STILL LIFE: The Myths and Magic of Mindful Living Rebecca Pacheco 7721021 $4.95
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YOUR FULLY CHARGED LIFE: A Radically Simple Approach to Having Endless Energy and Filling Every Day with Yay Meaghan B. Murphy with B.J. O'Keefe 7749031 $4.95
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UPLIFTING STORIES: True Tales to Inspire You to Take Action Ione Butler 7759193 $4.95
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THE KNOCK AT THE DOOR: Three Gold Star Families Bonded by Grief and Purpose Ryan Manion et al 7802277 $4.95
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HOW TO HOST A VIKING FUNERAL Kyle Scheele 7808348 $4.95
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THE WAY FORWARD: Master Life's Toughest Battles and Create Your Lasting Legacy R. O'Neill & D. Meyer 7808763 $4.95
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THE LITTLE BOOK OF WISDOM: For When Life Gets a Little Tough Edited by Victoria Denne 7822030 $4.95
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EMBRACE YOUR ALMOST: Find Clarity and Contentment in the In-Betweens, Not-Quites, and Unknowns Jordan Lee Dooley 7892977 $4.95
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HOW PROUST CAN CHANGE YOUR LIFE Alain de Botton 7894023 $4.95
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THE PURSUIT OF HAPPINESS: A Book of Studies and Strowings Daniel G. Brinton 800966X $4.95
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FOR YOU WHEN I AM GONE: A Journal Steve Leder 1041711 $5.95
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CHANGE YOUR FORTUNE: 365 Creative Strategies to Transform Your Life 1043757 $5.95
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CHOOSING COMPASSION: How to Be of Benefit in a World That Needs Our Love Anam Thubten 1996894 $5.95
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THE ART OF INSUBORDINATION: How to Dissent & Defy Effectively Todd B. Kashdan 2688344 $5.95
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LITTLE HOUSE LIFE HACKS: Lessons for the Modern Pioneer from Laura Ingalls Wilder's Prairie A. Bailey & S. Shubert 4257421 $5.95
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NAKED AND UNAFRAID Kevin Gerald 4846877 $5.95
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GOOD ENOUGH: A Cookbook--Embracing the Joys of Imperfection & Practicing Self-Care in the Kitchen Leanne Brown 4942531 $5.95
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SERVING PRODUCTIVE TIME: Stories, Poems, and Tips to Inspire Positive Change from Inmates, Prison Staff, and Volunteers Tom & Laura Lagana 4963369 $5.95
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RIVER OF TIME: My Descent into Depression and How I Emerged with Hope Naomi Judd with M. Wilkie 499082X $5.95
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PEACE IS A PRACTICE: An Invitation to Breathe Deep and Find a New Rhythm for Life Morgan Harper Nichols 4994892 $5.95
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I CRY IN CORNERS: Embracing Your Feelings, Throat-Punching Anxiety, and Managing Your Emotions Well Chari Orozco 4997050 $5.95
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THE LEADER HABIT: Master the Skills You Need to Lead in Just Minutes a Day Martin Lanik 5173353 $5.95
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DEEP HOPE: Zen Guidance for Staying Steadfast When the World Seems Hopeless Diane Eshin Rizzetto 7699220 $5.95
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HERE & HEREAFTER: How Wisdom from the Departed Can Transform Your Life Now Tyler Henry 7756216 $5.95
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JOHN WAYNE GRIT: Daily Inspiration and Frontier Wisdom for Men Edited by Juliana Sharaf 7793057 $5.95
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GRATITUDE IN MOTION: A True Story of Hope, Determination, and the Everyday Heroes Around Us Colleen Kelly Alexander 7847181 $5.95
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RETURN TO NATURE: The New Science of How Natural Landscapes Restore Us Emma Loewe 7847491 $5.95
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THE TOLTEC WAY: A Guide to Personal Transformation Susan Gregg 7847688 $5.95
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ONE DECISION: The First Step to a Better Life Mike Bayer 7854188 $5.95
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THE LITTLE BOOK OF BOB: Life Lessons from a Streetwise Cat James Bowen 7857209 $5.95
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THE POWER OF COINCIDENCE: Harness the Magic of Synchronicity to Lead a Charmed Life Frank Joseph 7858590 $5.95
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WAKE ME WHEN YOU LEAVE: Love and Encouragement via Dreams from the Other Side Elisa Donovan 7871279 $5.95
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BE WHERE YOUR FEET ARE: Seven Principles to Keep You Present, Grounded, and Thriving Scott M. O'Neil et al 7884400 $5.95
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SOUL SHIFT: The Weary Human's Guide to Getting Unstuck & Reclaiming Your Path to Joy Rachel Macy Stafford 7890400 $5.95
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I AM THE STORM: Inspiring Stories of People Who Fight Against Overwhelming Odds Janice Dean 789449X $5.95
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FAIL, FAIL AGAIN, FAIL BETTER: Wide Advise for Leaning into the Unknown Pema Chodron 7938802 $5.95
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THIS JUST SPEAKS TO ME: Words to Live by Every Day Hoda Kotb 7946244 $5.95
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THE WISDOM OF THE BULLFROG: Leadership Made Simple (But Not Easy) William H. McRaven 7954832 $5.95
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THE DOG WHO TOOK ME UP A MOUNTAIN: How Emme the Australian Terrier Changed My Life When I Needed it Most R. Crandall & J. Cosgriff 7961499 $5.95
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THE ART OF FLANEURING: How to Wander with Intention and Discover a Better Life Erika Owen 7971443 $5.95
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I'M NO PHILOSOPHER, BUT I GOT THOUGHTS: Mini-Meditations for Saints, Sinners, and the Rest of Us Kristin Chenoweth 804192X $5.95
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HOW TO TALK WITH YOUR ANGELS Kim O'Neill 1127713 $6.95
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THE BOOK OF HOPE: A Survival Guide for Trying Times Jane Goodall et al 1965956 $6.95
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MAKE YOUR OWN SUNSHINE: Inspiring Stories of People Who Find Light in Dark Times Janice Dean 4859456 $6.95
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THIS IS YOUR BRAVERY TEST: 55 Challenges for Art & Life Inspired by Bob Ross Michelle Witte 4990935 $6.95
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YOU ARE A BADASS: How to Stop Doubting Your Greatness and Start Living an Awesome Life Jen Sincero 4990994 $6.95
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THE 5 PRACTICES OF HIGHLY RESILIENT PEOPLE: Why Some Flourish When Others Fold Taryn Marie Stejskal 5729769 $6.95
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SICK SOULS, HEALTHY MINDS: How William James Can Save Your Life John Kaag 6081916 $6.95
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SECRET YOGA CLUB: Self-Empowerment Through the Magic of Yoga Gabrielle Hales 7802536 $6.95
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YOU ARE STRONGER THAN YOU THINK: Unleash the Power to Go Bigger, Go Bold, and Go Beyond What Limits You Joel Osteen 7848730 $6.95
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THE HERO CODE: Lessons Learned from Lives Well Lived William H. McRaven 7862237 $6.95
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THE EARNED LIFE: Lose Regret, Choose Fulfillment M. Goldsmith & M. Reiter 7892969 $6.95
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UNLOCKED: Embrace Your Greatness, Find the Flow, Discover Success George Mumford 7971958 $6.95
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CLUTTER: An Untidy History Jennifer Howard 1917730 $7.95
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EVERYTHING IS POSSIBLE: Words of Heroism from Europe's Bravest Leader, Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky Mary Wood 1945661 $7.95
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12 NOTES: On Life and Creativity Quincy Jones 1949667 $7.95
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READY: How to Know When to Go and When to Stay David Richo 1953370 $7.95
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YOUR UNLIMITED SELF: 9 Proven Techniques to Clear Your Mind and Attract the Right Results Joe Vitale 1983873 $7.95
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GRIT & GRACE Tim McGraw with A. Greeven 4812255 $7.95
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THE GREAT REBELLION: The Only Remedy for Suffering Samael Aun Weor 496795X $7.95
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WHY WE ARE RESTLESS: On the Modern Quest for Contentment Benjamin & Jenna S. Storey 7735243 $7.95
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EXTRAORDINARY MOTHERS & DAUGHTERS: Stories of Ambition, Resilience, and Unstoppable Love Emily Freidenrich 7828039 $7.95
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THE BURNOUT ANTIDOTE: A Spiritual Guide to Empowerment for Empaths, Over-Givers, and Highly Sensitive People Anne Berube 1942670 $9.95
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DISCOVER YOUR SOUL MISSION: Calling on Angels to Manifest Your Life Purpose Kathryn Hudson 1990683 $9.95
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BE WATER, MY FRIEND: The Teachings of Bruce Lee Shannon Lee 490141X $9.95
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WISDOM FROM THE HIDDEN LIFE OF TREES Peter Wohlleben 1194550 $11.95
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20 THINGS I KNOW FOR SURE: Principles for Cultivating a Peaceful Life Karen Casey 372431X $11.95
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THE WARRIOR WITHIN: Own Your Power to Serve, Fight, Protect, and Heal D.J. Vanas 7694970 $11.95
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NECESSARY DEATH: What Horror Movies Teach Us About Navigating the Human Experience C. Grosso & P. Fassel 7945868 $11.95
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BEING WITH TREES: Awaken Your Senses to the Wonders of Nature Hannah Fries 7973993 $11.95
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THE POWER OF THE MASTER MIND Mitch Horowitz 4955226 $12.95
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THE WELL-LIVED LIFE: A 103-Year-Old Doctor's Six Secrets to Health and Happiness at Every Age Gladys McGarey 6994636 $12.95
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GREAT QUOTES FROM GREAT SCIENTISTS: Quotes, Lessons & Universal Truths from the World's Greatest Scientific Minds Chris Ferrie 6998232 $12.95
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THE LAW OF ATTRACTION: The Power of Thought to Manifest Your Best Life William Walker Atkinson 7886063 $12.95
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ANGELS AND THE MIRACULOUS: Chicken Soup for the Soul Edited by Amy Newmark 7933789 $12.95
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HOW AND HOW NOT TO BE HAPPY J. Budziszewski 7938845 $12.95
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PSYCHIC SHIELD: The Personal Handbook of Psychic Protection Caitlin Matthews 7994028 $12.95
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THE WAY HOME: Discovering the Hero's Journey to Wholeness at Midlife Ben Katt 1994743 $14.95
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I'M NOT A MOURNING PERSON: Braving Loss, Grief, and the Big Messy Emotions That Happen When Life Falls Apart Kris Carr 7925883 $14.95
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THE SEVEN GATEWAYS OF SPIRITUAL EXPERIENCE: Awakening to a Deeper Knowledge of Love, Life Balance, and God Jonathan H. Ellerby 1247867 $15.95
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THE HIGHER HELP METHOD: Stop Trying to Manifest and Let the Universe Guide You Tammy Mastroberte 6998305 $15.95
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THE MIRACLE POWER OF YOUR MIND: The Joseph Murphy Treasury 4619439 $17.95
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