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PARADISE: One Town's Struggle to Survive an American Wildfire Lizzie Johnson Hardbound 7890389 $7.95
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DIGGING OUR OWN GRAVES: Coal Miners & the Struggle over Black Lung Disease Barbara Ellen Smith Paperbound 7891830 $6.95
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THIS IS CHANCE! The Shaking of an All-American City, a Voice That Held It Together Jon Mooallem Hardbound 4896769 $6.95
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WITHOUT WARNING: The Tornado of Udall, Kansas Jim Minick Paperbound 7824300 $21.95
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DEADLY DALLAS: A History of Unfortunate Incidents & Grisly Fatalities Rusty Williams Paperbound 4834844 $5.95
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THE PLAGUE YEAR: America in the Time of Covid Lawrence Wright Hardbound 4794966 $9.95
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WHAT IS LIFE WORTH? The Unprecedented Effort to Compensate the Victims of 9/11 Kenneth R. Feinberg Paperbound 7743017 $5.95
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END TIMES: A Brief Guide to the End of the World Bryan Walsh Hardbound 4678508 $7.95
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WHY MEADOW DIED: The People and Policies That Created the Parkland Shooter and Endanger America's Students A. Pollack & M. Eden Paperbound 4715454 $9.95
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THE LARCHMONT DISASTER OFF BLOCK ISLAND: Rhode Island's Titanic Joseph P. & Janice Soares Paperbound 294023X $15.95
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BUTTE AND THE 1918 INFLUENZA PANDEMIC Janelle M. Olberding Paperbound 3832422 $11.95
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CLEVELAND AREA DISASTERS: Images of America C. Rydbom & T. Kubat Paperbound 3835391 $14.95
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THE LIVES THEY SAVED L. Douglas Keeney Hardbound 4962133 $17.95
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