Human Mind

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THE BRAIN UNDER SIEGE: Solving the Mystery of Brain Disease, and How Scientists Are Following the Clues to a Cure Howard L. Weiner Hardbound 785403X $5.95
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GENDER MOSAIC: Beyond the Myth of the Male and Female Brain D. Joel & L. Vikhanski Hardbound 7957645 $5.95
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THE SECRET LIFE OF THE BRAIN: Unlocking the Mysteries of the Mind Alfred David Paperbound 394803X $6.95
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THE EMBODIED MIND: Understanding the Mysteries of Cellular Memory, Consciousness, and Our Bodies Thomas R. Verny Hardbound 7816561 $6.95
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THE BATTLE FOR YOUR BRAIN: Defending the Right to Think Freely in the Age of Neurotechnology Nita A. Farahany Hardbound 7941889 $6.95
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DO ZOMBIES DREAM OF UNDEAD SHEEP? A Neuroscientific View of the Zombie Brain T. Verstynen & B. Voytek Paperbound 1952323 $7.95
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NEUROFITNESS: A Brain Surgeon's Secrets to Boost Performance and Unleash Creativity Rahul Jandial Hardbound 7720130 $7.95
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THE FUTURE OF BRAIN REPAIR: A Realist's Guide to Stem Cell Therapy Jack Price Hardbound 7756666 $7.95
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THE EXTENDED MIND: The Power of Thinking Outside the Brain Annie Murphy Paul Paperbound 1948296 $9.95
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GALILEO'S ERROR: Foundations for a New Science of Consciousness Philip Goff Paperbound 4649176 $9.95
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A MOLECULE AWAY FROM MADNESS: Tales of the Hijacked Brain Sara Manning Peskin Paperbound 7796226 $9.95
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ATOM-SMASHING POWER OF MIND Charles Fillmore Paperbound 495310X $11.95
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NEUROPEDIA: A Brief Compendium of Brain Phenomena Eric H. Chudler Hardbound 7750269 $11.95
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YOUR BRAIN IS PLAYING TRICKS ON YOU: How the Brain Shapes Opinions and Perceptions Albert Moukheiber Paperbound 7826974 $11.95
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THIS IS YOUR MIND ON PLANTS Michael Pollan Paperbound 7683723 $12.95
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MAN AND HIS SYMBOLS Carl G. Jung et al Paperbound 7790813 $12.95
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EMOTIONAL: How Feelings Shape Our Thinking Leonard Mlodinow Paperbound 780184X $12.95
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DARK PERSUASION: A History of Brainwashing from Pavlov to Social Media Joel E. Dimsdale Paperbound 7836635 $17.95
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