Writer's Guides

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WRITING DIALOGUE: A Book of Writing Prompts San Francisco Writers' Grotto Paperbound 4919165 $4.95
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HOW YOUR STORY SETS YOU FREE H. Box & J. Mocine-McQueen Hardbound 4922573 $4.95
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WRITER WITH A DAY JOB: Inspiration & Exercises to Help You Craft a Writing Life Alongside Your Career Aine Greaney Paperbound 7739109 $5.95
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WRITING TO PERSUADE Trish Hall Hardbound 7908938 $5.95
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CHARACTER: The Art of Role and Cast Design for Page, Stage, and Screen Robert McKee Hardbound 1945114 $7.95
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SIGNS OF CIVILISATION: How Punctuation Changed History Bard Borch Michalsen Paperbound 1972383 $7.95
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THE PRESS IN PRISON: A Practical, Abolitionist Guidebook from Scalawag Edited by Lovey Cooper et al Paperbound 7736983 $7.95
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THE NEW ACADEMIC: A Researcher's Guide to Writing and Presenting Content in a Modern World Simon Clews Paperbound 7817819 $7.95
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ROBERT'S RULES OF WRITING, SECOND EDITION Robert Masello Paperbound 485778X $11.95
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REFUSE TO BE DONE: How to Write and Rewrite a Novel in Three Drafts Matt Bell Paperbound 4979060 $11.95
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RECOVERY WRITING: Discovery and Healing in the Twelve Steps James Ryan Paperbound 7793596 $14.95
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WRITING THAT GETS NOTICED: Find Your Voice, Become a Better Storyteller, Get Published Estelle Erasmus Paperbound 7868472 $14.95
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A SCREENWRITER'S COMPANION: Instruction, Opinion, Encouragement Joseph Dougherty Paperbound 1973606 $15.95
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JAILHOUSE PUBLISHING FOR MONEY, POWER, AND FAME! Mike Enemigo Paperbound 7890478 Price cut to $17.95
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