Stress & Pain Management

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Title  Author Item # Price  Info
RELIEVE STRESS: 20 Quick Techniques Katrin Schubert 7759959 $2.95
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TRIGGER POINTS: A Little Book of Self Care Amanda Oswald 4870034 $5.95
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THE ART OF CHILLING OUT FOR WOMEN: 100+ Ways to Replace Worry and Stress with Spiritual Healing, Self-Care, and Self-Love Angela D. Coleman 5722667 $5.95
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EVERYDAY VITALITY: Turning Stress into Strength Samantha Boardman 6994040 $5.95
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THE ART OF REST: How to Find Respite in the Modern Age Claudia Hammond 7758472 $5.95
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THE POWER OF PRESSURE: Why Pressure Isn't the Problem, It's the Solution Dane Jensen 7801092 $5.95
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HEART BREATH MIND: Train Your Heart to Conquer Stress and Achieve Success Leah Lagos 790150X $5.95
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BREAKING THE STRESS CYCLE: 7 Steps to Greater Resilience, Happiness, and Peace of Mind Andrew Bernstein 7982623 $5.95
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AN ANATOMY OF PAIN: How the Body and the Mind Experience and Endure Physical Suffering Abdul-Ghaaliq Lalkhen 8056536 $5.95
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THE MIND-BODY CURE: Heal Your Pain, Anxiety, and Fatigue by Controlling Chronic Stress Bal Pawa 3981312 $6.95
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LIVE PAIN-FREE: Eliminate Chronic Pain Without Drugs or Surgery Lee Albert 7807961 $6.95
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WHAT THE BODY COMMANDS: The Imperative Theory of Pain Colin Klein 7854285 $6.95
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OUTSMART YOUR PAIN: Mindfulness and Self-Compassion to Help You Leave Chronic Pain Behind Christiane Wolf 7863500 $6.95
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TMJ IS RUINING MY LIFE: Managing Jaw Pain So You Can Eat Normally Chelsea Liebowitz 4767179 $7.95
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WE ARE ALL IN SHOCK: Energy Healing for Traumatic Times Stephanie Mines 4656873 $9.95
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AN ANATOMY OF PAIN: How the Body and the Mind Experience and Endure Physical Suffering Abdul-Ghaaliq Lalkhen 4712560 $9.95
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PAIN FREE, REVISED SECOND EDITION: A Revolutionary Method for Stopping Chronic Pain Pete Egoscue 4903749 $9.95
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WHEN SEX HURTS, REVISED: Understanding and Healing Pelvic Pain Andrew Goldstein et al 7779038 $9.95
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THE ANTI-INFLAMMATORY DIET MADE SIMPLE: Delicious Recipes to Reduce Inflammation for Lifelong Health Molly Thompson 7858027 $9.95
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YOUR GUIDE TO FOREST BATHING: Experience the Healing Power of Nature M. Amos Clifford 7887132 $9.95
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THE TREATING ARTHRITIS EXERCISE BOOK Christine Horner with M. Hills 1177168 $11.95
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SMART GUIDE TO HEALING BACK PAIN Carole Bodger 4683439 $11.95
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WHAT YOUR DOCTOR DIDN'T TELL YOU: How Complementary and Alternate Medicine Can Help Your Pain Karima Hirani 771288X $11.95
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THE THOMPSON METHOD OF BODYWORK: Structural Alignment, Core Strength, and Emotional Release C. Thompson & T.T. Lewis 7736096 $11.95
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REST IS RESISTANCE: A Manifesto Tricia Hersey 7760027 $11.95
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I CAN SIT AGAIN: Non-Surgical Treatment for Tailbone Pain Jennifer K. Stebbing 3973700 $12.95
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TOXIC SUPERFOODS: How Oxalate Overload Is Making You Sick--and How to Get Better Sally K. Norton 7779186 $12.95
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TERPENES FOR WELL-BEING: A Comprehensive Guide to Botanical Aromas for Emotional and Physical Self-Care Andrew Freedman 4767187 $13.95
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RESTORE YOUR LIFE FROM CHRONIC PAIN: Find Lasting Relief from Arthritis, Headache, and Back Pain Mark B. Weisberg 798247X $14.95
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PAIN & PERFORMANCE: The Revolutionary New Way to Use Training as Treatment for Pain and Injury R. Whited & M. Fitzgerald 1207598 $16.95
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SAFE MOVEMENT FOR ALL SPINES: A Guide to Spinal Anatomy and How to Work with 21 Spine and Hip Conditions Gwen Miller 7852010 $18.95
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8 STEPS TO CONQUER CHRONIC PAIN: A Doctor's Guide to Lifelong Relief Andrea Furlan 7821395 $19.95
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CHRONIC PAIN RESET: 30 Days of Activities, Practices, and Skills to Help You Thrive Afton L. Hassett 7912404 $21.95
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1,500 STRETCHES: The Complete Guide to Flexibility and Movement Hollis Liebman 673698X $26.95
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